lundi 30 novembre 2020

-20 Down Sleeping Bag - $275 USD

EMS minus -20 DOWN WINTER sleeping bag

$275 plus US shipping only. PayPal only.

This is serious cold weather winter sleeping bag

Measures (all measured from the outside):
— At shoulders: 28” wide x 10” tall
— At feet: 18” wide x 8” tall
— From feet to neck collar: 68”
— Thickness of down: about 3”
— Color: Orange

Clean and always stored loose.

Used for several trips but still in good shape with good loft. Definitely worth the price.

I'm not doing the winter overnight stuff in the near or distant future so it’s time to move it along.

It has plenty of life in it AND it’s about a 1/3 the cost of a comparable new bag

Very warm bag


Please PM with zip for calculating shipping and arranging purchase. Located near NYC, Harriman / Bear Mt SP.

Thank you—

West Mill Brook/ Dix Trail

Has anyone been there recently? I was curious about the road condition between the Northway and the gate. Passable? Blowdown or deep ruts? I walked in from Rt 9 in the spring but was hoping to shave off a couple of miles this time.

vendredi 27 novembre 2020

Meadows Lane

Earlier that usual, Meadows Lane is closed for the winter. Adds a mile to the Marcy Dam Truck Trail. Hadn't seen this noted elsewhere, so thought I'd add this detail.

jeudi 26 novembre 2020

Best Maps

I have had the Adirondack Nat Geo maps for about 12 years, since I really started getting into backpacking. Its really all I've ever known as far as maps go.

Occasionally when in high use areas like the High Peaks, I will meet people who have other maps that are perhaps less colorful and illustrated, yet seem more detailed and suited for the more experienced hiker.

My question is... what are the best maps out there in the opinion of the many experienced hikers on this forum? Are there those that are more suited for the novice versus the more experienced backpacker?

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

lundi 23 novembre 2020

Coreys Road (Winter) Status?


I know the gate at Coreys Road is SOMETIMES closed but other times open during the winter.

What's the determining factor? If any? Weather seems obvious but is that it? I've heard it's open / closed every other year? Any truth?

Please share your intel.


lundi 16 novembre 2020

Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Question

I'm wondering where the hills are that have views. Per a Jun. 11, 2020 column in Lake Placid News... "If you are interested in short bushwhacking adventures there are some nice open summits like Coal Mountain, Quarry Mountain, Cross Mountain, 6-Mile Mountain and the cliffs over Lost Lake." No map I've yet found names prominences other than Bare Mt. and Moose River Mt. How do I find Coal, Quarry, Cross and 6-mile? (Have not yet connected to the LPN columnist.) Thanks.

mercredi 11 novembre 2020

Which brand of laptop is good?

What type of laptop that good to use for information technology course's student? Currently i'm contemplating whether to choose hp or samsung or lenovo. samsung is my fav brand for elctronic but i'm not sure for the specs. As this is my first time buying a laptop so i don't know the technical terms for that.

Best Corporate Training and Placement Institute

which is the Best Corporate Training and Placement Institute?
Best Corporate Training and Placement Institute

dimanche 8 novembre 2020

MacIntyre Range Slopfest

I finally got around to hiking Algonquin, Iroquois and Wright this past weekend. This hike had been near the top of my wishlist since mid-2018 when I summited New York's other 5,000+ footer on an incredibly sublime morning. That was my last visit to the High Peaks region and I was dying to return -- preferably sometime after Columbus Day because I didn't want to deal with the same kind of crowdedness that I experienced on a short firetower hike earlier this fall.

This was my first hike originating from the Loj (I parked at the South Meadows lot when I hiked Marcy). Embarrassingly, I was unable to locate the trailhead and had to ask for directions so as not to waste any more valuable time on what was expected to be a very long day. A helpful worker inside the Loj pointed me in the right direction and I was finally on my way.

The Algonquin Peak trail was remarkably easy up to MacIntyre Falls. I thought to myself, "This is way easier than Marcy and might even be less challenging than Cascade!" Well, my impression of the hike's difficulty changed in a hurry! Slick rock slabs awaited me after the waterfalls and remained present after I hooked a left at the Algonquin/Wright trail junction. I swear to god, those massive bare rocks are my kryptonite, even in perfectly dry conditions. I react to seeing these in the same manner that someone who loathes his or her job reacts when the alarm clock goes off on weekday mornings!

Scrambling above treeline on Wright wasn't quite as unnerving as I had anticipated because the rocks were mostly dry, unlike the ones below treeline that were a lot trickier. And I was prepared for the 40-50 mph wind gusts that had predicted.

The final push up to Algonquin's summit was manageable. There was a little bit of snow and ice, but nothing too bad compared to what awaited me on my hellish descent via the Avalanche Trail route. More on that later.

After descending the southwest side of Algonquin, I made my way to Boundary and then Iroquois via slushy herd paths. There were a couple of short rock sections that I was hesitant to attempt with my boots that are reliable for everything except traction. Putting on microspikes gave me enough confidence to get by these stumbling blocks, but nevertheless, this will be the last time I wear these boots in the Adirondacks because I don't trust them enough to give me adequate grip in these situations.

Not wanting to descend the same way I went up, I opted to go down the Avalanche Pass route that I had read so much about online. This proved to be a mistake as the entire trail was one giant waterfall from all the snow melting. Mix in occasional icy patches, slippery rocks, and stream crossings with fast-flowing water and you have a recipe for potential disaster. I exercised extreme caution with every step I took, resulting in a four hour descent to Lake Colden. The sun was setting when I reached Avalanche Lake and I still had a long ways to go from there.

Even the relatively benign homestretch from Marcy Dam to the Loj wasn't without its hiccups as I somehow lost the blue-marked trail in the area near Whales Tail Mountain. With no trail in sight, I figured I would work my way out of this jam by bushwhacking downhill in the direction of Marcy Dam & Brook. I eventually found the trail I was looking for and did a quick compass reading to be 100% sure that I was heading north where I needed to go. From there, it was a humbling walk back to the Loj where I thought about everything I could have done differently (purchase footwear with better traction prior to this hike, download offline maps beforehand, put my paper map into a waterproof case when there's a possibility of falling in a stream and not just when it's pouring outside, among other things).

On a more positive note, I had nothing but positive interactions with everyone that I met in the Lake Placid area this weekend (ADK staff, hotel receptionists, other hikers, etc.) In spite of my adventure not going flawlessly, I'm glad I went. It was a nice getaway and the natural beauty was absolutely stunning...

More photos of the summits and trails can be seen on my photoblog that's linked below...

Silver Lake Wilderness

Hi. Im looking to do a solo in this area as I've never been but have wanted to for a while. Looking for some solitude and to do a little exploring.

Any suggestions on areas to go to..stay away from? Also does anyone know which "Discover" book covers this area?


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

vendredi 6 novembre 2020

Square Timber Wild Area-Elk State Forest


The Square Timber is a rugged area of deep, narrow gorges and narrow ridgelines. Great isolation, scenic forests and streams, and some great views if you don't mind some off trail hiking. North Square Timber vista is particularly impressive.

mardi 3 novembre 2020


How much snow in Newcomb....thanks

Kaspersky & SAMENTA: The time is now to secure Malaysian SME’s digital assets

Just when the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia prepared to see their businesses pick up after seeing positive development after the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) announcement, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Labuan, Sabah and Putrajaya are currently facing another risk of business slow down with the announcement of Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in October with the probability of further extension.

Malaysia’s SMEs Gross Domestic Product (GDP) experienced growth at 5.8% in 2019 and employed 7.3 million individuals . SMEs continue to play a significant role in the country’s growth as it makes up 98.5% of total registered businesses. Bank Islam Malaysia shared recently that the current economic environment and the rising unemployment rate may hinder Malaysia’s economy from growing at a positive rate. In addition, the growth of the SME segment is expected to decline by 1% this year .

According to Malaysian Employers Federation, 2020 has been very hard on employers especially in terms of managing cash flow with generally reduced revenue but having to pay salaries, operational expenses as well as taxes . The group said that employers would need to facilitate a conducive working environment for their employees who are working from home. Moreover, providing tools and guidance to safeguard confidential data from potential hacking as working from home equates to a lowered security level.

In the first half of this year, Kaspersky reported cryptomining attempts logged the highest for SMEs in Southeast Asia (SEA) at 1,726,799. According to Yeo Siang Tiong, General Manager for Southeast Asia at Kaspersky, these threats are silent, hidden inside devices and networks, slowly consuming the bandwidth, electricity, and damaging the hardware, costing the SMEs dearly in the SEA region, when the SMEs experiencing tight cash flow at the moment.

The global cybersecurity company also revealed that there were 1,602,523 phishing attempts and 504,304 ransomware detections targeted against SMEs in the region from January to June 2020.

“The Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024 announced recently, putting forward national cybersecurity preparedness of the country, is timely and necessary. Cybersecurity has gone beyond protecting endpoint devices, it is now about developing an ecosystem where everything connected is protected, especially at this period when the country is ready to embrace technologies such as 5G and Industry 4.0. We see these strategies will encourage more businesses like SMEs to protect their digital assets, which also means securing their business continuity,” adds Yeo.

Datin Lorela Chia, Chairman, Central Region at Small and Medium Enterprises Association Malaysia (SAMENTA) says, “Our members are paying more attention to digitalizing their businesses with more emphasis on technology adoption. Even with the CMCO 2.0 taking place at the moment, some of our members are taking the opportunities to test whether their businesses could run digitally as a whole. These involve processes such as finance, sales and purchases. For our members who are embarking on the digital journey, we encourage them to apply for the grant provided by Ministry of Finance, Bank Simpanan Nasional, SME Bank and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). These grants would ease their cash flow by a bit.”

Understanding the importance of cybersecurity for SMEs, more so in the stage of preserving cashflow, Kaspersky recently introduced its new solution for SMEs in the region, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (KEDRO).

“KEDRO goes beyond endpoint protection. It delivers full visibility and empowers SMEs’ limited IT staff to conduct a root-cause investigation and to quickly and intelligently respond against complex and costly threats. We have made this solution as simple to operate as possible, acknowledging the challenge of finding internal IT experts and most importantly, budget-friendly as we are aware of the financial impact of the pandemic to businesses,” explains Yeo.

Aside from this, Kaspersky also has the following reminder for SMEs to beef up their security online:
1) Renew the corporate site security certificate – Websites that request or process user data must have an SSL certificate. The validity of the said certificate’s validity period is limited, which will need to be reissued every three, six or twelve months.
2) Update router firmware – The older the software, the more likely it is to contain vulnerabilities, so it is critical to keep all software up to date.
3) Revoke unnecessary rights – a dismissed employee can cause all possible trouble if their accounts and access to the corporate network are not closed in time. Cyberrevenge against former employers is real.
4) Back up – Backing up data helps protect it from wipers, ransomware, careless employees and other hazards. It is better to schedule an automatic backup.
5) Update antivirus licenses on servers – security software on workstations and mobile devices come with subscription renewal. It is good to check on servers too. An unprotected server can cause a range of problems, from data leakage to hosting malicious resources in the infrastructure to turning one’s office into cryptofarm.
To find out the latest promos and discounts for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum, please visit

lundi 2 novembre 2020

Best Corporate Training and Placement Institute

Which is the Best Corporate Training and Placement Institute
Best Corporate Training and Placement Institute

Hutang credit card

Sape sape tau nak settle hutang credit card tak? Aku ade bayar sikit sikit tapi interest credit card tinggi laa even bayar tiap bulan pon. Mcm lama lagi nak abis byr camni.

dimanche 1 novembre 2020

Wetsuit/Drysuit ?

I recently started to, and find I’m enjoying, paddling in colder weather. I’m also beginning to think, paddling without either a wetsuit or a drysuit is akin to bicycling without a helmet. That said, I’m not really exciting about purchasing or paddling with said gear, and thought I would seek advice to make my decision optimal.

From my SCUBA days, I haven’t found wetsuits all that comfortable out of the water. Also, they don’t articulate particularly well. With paddling, my goal would be to get out of the water as quickly as possible. So my body would have little time to warm up the water captured by the suit, and once out of the water, some of that would drain. Despite the advantageous price of wetsuits, it seems a drysuit would be more comfortable in the boat, and more effective should I really need to use it. Am I missing something?

Regarding drysuits, I find pricing all over the place. I found some “Crewsaver” models and an “O’Neil” model much less than some NSR models. Is this a case of you get what you pay for is a rubber suit with cuffs just a rubber suit with cuffs?
Thanks, Mark