mardi 30 mars 2021

Berrymill Pond, PLWA, 30 Mar, 2021

This weeks "Lunch at a Lean-to" found Tredhed and I back in the Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area for a pleasant hike into Berrymill Pond. Another bluebird day greeted us as we hit the trailhead at the Putnam Pond campsite.

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After signing into the woods, we headed up through the white birches on a reasonably dry trail.

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The trail was in really good shape after having been visited by a DEC crew last week.

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When we reached the re-route around the outlet marsh, we stopped to enjoy the nice waterfall along the outlet creek.

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After taking a bunch of waterfall pictures, we walked the short distance to Berrymill Pond. Since it was still early, we followed the old trail out the peninsula to the main area of the pond where we were surprised to see about half of the ice gone. An otter glared at us from across the ice, never getting close enough for a good photo.

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Completing a short explore, we walked back to the lean-to for our lunch break. As always, the lean-to was in great shape. Many thanks to the folks who have adopted the LT and work hard to keep it clean.

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When lunch was finished, we checked out the outlet and the large rocks around the outlet's bay. I noticed that the memorial plaque on top of the large rock was missing. Does anyone have any info about that?

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Back at the lean-to, we made an entry in the log book and packed up our gear. We worked our way back down the trail and decided to make a loop hike by incorporating a bushwhack down the Berrymill Pond outlet. The route immediately came to the first of several spectacular waterfalls swollen by the spring melt.

Attachment 19947

The bushwhack was pretty straightforward. It followed the creek downhill passing through some nice forest, marvelous water features and even a super-secret hidden campsite.:cool:

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Shortly before emptying into Putnam Pond, the outlet stream made one final plunge over another fantastic 15' waterfall.

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Another few minutes downstream of these falls, we hit the Long Swing trail around Putnam Pond. Turning right, we made the short walk back to the boat launch parking area. While we've been on this trail a dozen times or so, we never knew how beautiful the Berrymill Pond outlet stream was. It just goes to show that a little exploring can lead to some fantastic rewards. Today proved that in spades.

Attached Images
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File Type: jpg 4e bushwhack.jpg (155.5 KB)
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