dimanche 4 septembre 2022

Fulton Chain Lakes -- and more (9/1 - 9/3)

My husband and I spent two nights camping at the Eighth Lake Campground on the Fulton Chain. We did quite a bit of hiking in the area, and visited some trailheads to prepare for future trips.

After setting up camp, we hiked west to Bug Lake. The crossing of the water connecting Seventh and Eighth Lakes was interesting, because the bridge was not quite long enough to span the water. There was a gap of about three feet wide on the east end, where a couple of inches of water depth lay between the bridge and the trail. No big deal, but given how dry weather has been this year, I was surprised.

As we approached Bug Lake, an unmarked spur trail on the right intrigued us. It looked like a trail to a designated camp, but with no signage or blazes. We followed the trail quite some distance across a couple of wet areas, eventually finding a very nice, large camp site under conifers with a fire pit and "camp here" disk. We didn't realize that Eagle Nest Lake was only a short distance onward, so we returned to the main trail, hiked north until reaching the western shore of Bug Lake, and then returning to camp.

Temperates dropped into the low forties that night. I had to layer up on jackets both the evening before and the morning after.

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