mercredi 29 avril 2020

Supporting Foundations & Organizations

Hey All,

In reading on the thread about Earth Day and money, and paying for outdoor recreation other than fishing and hunting, it made me think about charitable giving and funding organizations and foundations that help to protect and maintain the places we love to recreate in.

Currently living in Texas, I am pretty ignorant of the various organizations and foundations out there that do these sort of things in the ADKs, other than the AMC. Since moving from NY, I have continued to subscribe to The Conservationist magazine, which is a great read, but also does a small part to raise awareness about environmental issues throughout NY and I imagine helps to protect and maintain some recreational areas.

All this to say, the question I have is, if I was looking to make a charitable donation to a foundation or organization that works in preservation and maintenance of the ADKs which ones would you recommend and what do they do specifically? Which ones do you think do the most good or are the most effective? Not looking to put down any group that is seeking in these efforts, but I was just kinda curious of people's thoughts on this topic.


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