vendredi 14 mai 2021

Return to Tug Hill Streams of my youth...

Have been fishing the streams visited 50 years ago as a lad with my dad and brothers. Moved to Camden two years ago and bicycled around Redfield, Florence, etc. but wasnÂ’t fishing local too much since the streams are now close and for some particular reason... have an odd tendency to want to fish far from home.

There must have been an extreme high water event in the somewhat recent past (Halloween storm last year?) since there is a huge amount of debris 150 yards from the streams - pictures donÂ’t do it justice.

There are more camps and many more posted signs than I remember but the water still looks great. Can’t say I have been catching much and the fish have been small... but wild brookies, even if 3” long - will always make me smile

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