dimanche 29 mai 2022

Dog owner courtesy

If you bring a dog on to the trails...

1) If the property requires you to leash your dog, then keep your dog on a leash. All the time. I have never seen a "My princess would never hurt a fly" exception. If you don't like it, then buy a preserve and establish your own rules.

2) If the property does not require you to leash your dog, please at least do so when people approach. Or grab their collar and keep them in your control. Even if you pinky swear s/he is "friendly." It's arrogant to assume everyone wants an unfamiliar dog charging at or jumping on them. Furthermore, if one unleashed dog sees another, it might not be pretty.

3) If your dog has to poop, have them do it off trail or clean up after them.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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