mardi 21 juin 2022


I just wanted to mention that the Makomis Fire Tower is about to be put up in Speculator. They are trying for the 4th to complete it. I went and visited the excavated site on Sunday. It is in the town park where the river walk enters the woods. It appeared what I was seeing was a concrete slab at the bottom of the excavation. There were four rebar towers at the corners of the slab and four more in the middle. Since this was an LL25 tower, I believe the four in the middle are for the stair well. I never seen how these things are installed so it was new to me.

I walked a little on the river walk They did an excellent job on the sign interpretation and there is a map at every junction. You will never get lost. There are several long sections of board walk which was unique. I also ran into a flock of very friendly chickadees.

The town park has a unique somewhat scaled down replica of a route 66 village to wander through. The doors to the buildings are locked, but you can look through the windows and see the detail. You have the lake shore right across the road from the park. This tower should give an excellent view of Lake Pleasant. It is a really nice area. I tried getting pictures, but it didn't work out.

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