lundi 19 avril 2021

Kempshall Mountain?

Has anyone been up this recently (within the past year or two)? I'm thinking about trying to get up it sometime this upcoming summer. I know the trail is officially "abandoned" but I found a post from 2016 stating that it was being informally maintained and was easy to follow. I've wandered by on the NPT a few times in the past few years and noticed every time that the junction where the old trail crosses the NPT is very obvious and the corridor for the old trail is readily apparent.

I know there's little in the way of views without the fire tower but this mountain has intrigued me for years- ever since my very first backpacking trip in February of 2002, a two night trip with the RIT Outing Club to camp in lean-tos on the NPT along long lake. After the first night at Catlin Bay we continued up to Kelly Point and set up for the second night there. Once camp was in order, a few of us wandered further north on the NPT up to the junction with the old trail. I have a very vivid memory of spotting the old trail just as dusk was about to finish descending upon the forest.

At the time, everywhere else in the Adirondack backcountry was unknown to my perception- the NPT stretched off in either direction into what was (for me personally) untrodden and remote wilderness. Much have those unknown gaps have been filled in for me in the 19+ years since but Kempshall is still a blank space on the map that exists in my mind.

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