samedi 6 novembre 2021

Current conditions on the Bucktail Path and the Donut Hole Trail?

Calling Jeff Mitchell once again!

Has anyone here recently hiked any portions of either the Bucktail Path or the Donut Hole Trail in PA, and can comment on current trail conditions? I've heard that these two trails- the Bucktail Path especially- can be overgrown and not particularly well maintained. "Goat path" are the words I've heard used by several different sources to describe the Bucktail Path in particular.

A few friends and I are starting to plan a tentative week long backpacking trip for next early April as a follow-up to our Loyalsock Trail hike this past spring. We'll probably have somewhere around 5-7 full days to devote to hiking, and one option we're considering is to do a portion of the combined Bucktrail Path and Donut Hole Trail... the southern terminus of the BP is about 1-2 miles of road walking from the northern terminus of the DHT, so it wouldn't be too hard to link these two trails together.

Obviously, our timeframe probably does not give us not enough days to hike the combined 120 miles of both trails in a single trip, but one option we're considering is to hike half this trip, and the second half on a future trip (likely spring of 2023).

Also, on the plus side, early April would be early enough that the herbaceous growth wouldn't be out yet... so the tread should be easier to spot (and no stinging nettle yet, either).

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