samedi 13 novembre 2021

Unidentified fish on Lower Saranac Lake

Hey guys, I am hoping to find someone here is who is familiar with the fishing on Lower Saranac Lake.

I just got back from spending a week there in the hot tent catching some massive Northern Pike, ended up catching 18 total across the 7 days. There was one particular hookup though, that has left me very confused and was hoping to get some insight from someone who fishes that water more often.

On 3 day I was fishing my usual spot to catch Pike and instantly knew I was hooked into something different when this grabbed my line. It felt like it was fighting me like a Trout, but I did not think that possible in Pike infested water. Sure enough though, I got my fish to the surface and I was surprised to see it was what I thought to be a huge Lake Trout! I had my GoPro running, but this fish was so big I could not get it into my collapsible net and before I got get a good grip it managed to shake my hook out right next to the boat. The thing is, I got a clear look at it and have started to doubt it was a Lake Trout. The first thing going against it being a Laker, is that apparently there are no Lake Trout in Lower Saranac. It definitely had the classic Trout profile, a silver/grey coloring to its body, and diamond looking spotting on its body. There was absolutely no pink streak across body that would make me think it was a Rainbow Trout.

Any ideas on what this could have been? I really wish I had managed to get a glimpse of it on the GoPro.

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