dimanche 9 janvier 2022

Can you grow trees in your house?

Why yes, yes you can!

I've had an interest in starting some bonsai trees for some time but I really had no experience with them. Really didn't know much about it. I've watched a number of videos and developed an interest in trying to create a miniature beech/maple forest - they look really spectacular and you can start them from seed.

Anyway, I kind of found out a hard truth in researching that they won't survive indoors. This kind of put a damper on it for me, but I may still try to do a small micro-forest.

Anyway, I had tried to keep dwarf Alberta Spruce in the house from fall to spring, and they never made it. I admit, I didn't put much effort into them and I think I put them outside too early and shocked them, but I figured this year, I'd try again.

So far - success!

These have been inside for over a month and they've been growing like crazy. They started shooting new growth a few weeks ago and seem very strong.

My secret:

I don't know if it's a secret, but it seems to be working. I keep them right up against this south facing window, rotate them daily, only water them when the top soil is dry, mist them every night and close the shade behind them to keep them cool and moist overnight.

I'm hoping they'll make it to spring and then I'll move them outside. Or maybe I'll keep going and see how long I can keep them inside. Not sure yet, an experiment on my part. I figure if they can survive the warm, dry winter inside, they'll go indefinitely. Also not sure I'll wire them or trim them, maybe just put them in shallow bonsai pots and see how big they want to get.

Anyone ever try this and have any success?

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