dimanche 23 janvier 2022

XC Boots and skis for the oversized person

I used to ski as a kid on 3 pin bindings, and when I got past shoe size 13 I stopped due to lack of boots. Later on my father found some "universal" ski bindings being closed out at a shop and bought 3 pairs which he sent to me, and I have used them. They are far better than nothing, but also far from ideal. They go around the outside of my snow boots, so my feet end up more than twice the width of the skis, which means in any loose snow I plow a wide track as I go. Also the plastic sometimes breaks where it flexes, which can lead to hopping ungracefully home.

I'm wondering if any of the wise folks on here know if if it's possible to get size 16 ski boots, and what length of skis would be appropriate for a 7 foot 200 pound person. The ones I have had for the last 20 years are a good bit shorter than me, so that seems doubtful in my mind. I am thinking that next winter when I plan to be living in Piercefield it would be nice to be able to ski up there. I'm used to breaking my own trail, and when I was a kid we used to ski in snowmobile tracks. I have heard that there are groomed trails in Tupper Lake, which would be a novelty for sure, and there are a lot of hiking trails that might be skiable in the area. I lack the gumption to try to learn any kind of downhill skiing, as I am trying to save my knees for later and have already had some trouble with them in my later teens. I'll be grateful for any advice.

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