mardi 5 juillet 2022

Trip options- Jones Pond to Osgood Pond, or Lower Osgood River to Meacham Lake?

Hey All,

I'm considering 2 different trips in an area new to me for mid to late August. I'm wondering if folks have any insights/advice on these 2 options.

1st Option- Jones Pond to Osgood Pond via Jones Pond Outlet, taking out at Church Pond along Rt.86. Likely I would camp a night or 2 at one of the sites on Jones, and also a night on Osgood in the northern bay near the Osgood River. Both Jones and Osgood look to have a good amount of private land along the shore- just how much development is there? I'm also wondering about the quality of the campsites and fishing.

2nd Option- Lower Osgood River to Meacham Lake, putting in along Rt. 30 and hopefully camping along the way at the designated site near Baker Pond. From the descriptions I've read, this trip is very appealing to me, but I'm concerned that there is only 1 campsite on this route. If it's occupied, there does not appear to be any other option except to continue on to Meacham.

Anyone done one or both of these trips and have any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance.

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