mardi 25 juillet 2017

What's your "Must Do" ADK canoe trip

Question--What canoe trip in the Adirondacks would you recommend to others as a "Must Do"?

The back story to the question...
I finally did it! After years of reading the guidebooks and pouring over the maps, I finally scraped up the determination to do the 9 Carries route in the St. Regis Canoe Area. We had done many day trips and overnights without portages. I longed to do one of the big "classic" Adirondack trips. But the guide books always say to "know your limitations"...good advice I suppose, but sometimes those limitations just need to be overcome or you'll never really know what's possible. As it turned out, we made some good gear decisions, dealt with some crazy weather, held up physically and accomplished more than we thought our bodies could bear. The 4 day trip was better than I even imagined. I would highly recommend the 9 carries as a must do...for the adventure, for the pond hopping scenery, for the plant and animal wild life.
So what trip would you recommend as a must do?

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