mercredi 30 juin 2021

Five Ponds or Other NW Adks Route Suggestions

Hi Everyone,

According to a search of my posts it's the time of year where I ask for trip advice, so I thought I'll continue the tradition as I keep exploring new areas of the park! Planning on heading out for some backpacking with my dog over the upcoming long weekend - three nights, four days.

Based on the wacky forecast, I'm looking at the NW part of the park and hoping to use a Lean To - although not counting on it. The first area to catch my attention is Five Ponds, but I'm having trouble finding non-canoe routes that aren't described as slogging through waist-deep beaver ponds. (I've got no problem with some mud, but I did a recent "slog" trip elsewhere and am not in the mood for it this weekend.) Also going to avoid Ha-de-Ron-dah because I'll be heading there with a friend in a few weeks.

Anyone have any suggestions? My search of the forum doesn't yield much that's recent except confirming the usual bug trifecta on the High Falls trail a couple of weeks ago.


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