jeudi 19 août 2021

any advice? paddle/camping Canada Lake/Stewart's Landing

Hi all, new to the area but an avid kayaker and primitive camper. I want to go for an overnight or 2 night paddle camping and saw that Canada Lake near Wheelerville is pretty close to me. Looks like there are several DEC campsites on the map.

Having never been there, it "looks" like I could put in and park overnights at either Stewart's Landing (south of the lake) or at the public boat launch off W Lake Rd just NE of West Lake (the western lobe of Canada Lake). Thoughts on either of these sites to put in and park overnight?

It "appears" on satellite maps that I could explore a few streams, which is another reason Canada Lake looks like a decent starting point. But I'm just looking at a map. Any experience you have or advice about these streams would be great. Starting at the top and working clockwise...

1- The stream between the public boat launch and north to Pine Lake.
2- The stream up to Mud Lake (the northern one).
3- Green Lake, and will it go all the way up to Otter Lake?
4- Frie Flow to Irving Pond and maybe even Bellow's Lake.
5- In the south there appears to be a small stream that flows south to three small ponds. One of the ponds might be called Mud Lake, not to be confused with the other Mud Lake on the northern side of Canada Lake.
6- The wide stream in the southwest corner of Canada Lake that leads to the dam at Stewart's Landing. It might actually be called Lilly Lake (that's how the campsites are designated anyway). I see it has small tributaries on either side.
7- It looks like there is a stream going directly west out of West Lake, toward Burnt Vly.

I know that's a long list, more than I'll tackle in just three days. Some of those might not be so great or so navigable, but if two or three of them are good paddles, I'd love to hear about it so I can use my time wisely. Obviously I can and will explore on my own, but better to go in with some knowledge from you all than to go in blind.

Anything else you think I should know about the lakes, streams, or campsites there before I go would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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