mardi 31 août 2021

North River-13th Lake Area

Hi All,

I'm new to the site and way downstate and enjoy going to this site every day. The info and help when a question is asked makes it even better.
Anyway, I will be up in the 13th Lake area for a couple of weeks beginning on Saturday. I hope to get a pass from the boss and few days of fishing in. I'll have a 4 wgt. and 5/6 wgt. fly and a light spinning tackle (6-8 lb. test). We came up last year for the first time and didn't fish the lake due to input from a couple of people. I did get over to Pack Lake with my kayak and had a lot fun with some bass and pickerel. That being said - any thoughts or suggestions?
Is there enough water in streams up north to search for brookies? Worth wading the Hudson River? Ponds that might be worth a visit - I'm will to put in a hike, but will have to shore fish. Please just send general info - not asking for anyone's sweet spot. Thanks in advance, and by the way - a good bar for post fishing would be appreciated :D Thanks again. Bob

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