samedi 2 avril 2022

What are your big trip plans for 2022?

Well, now we've maybe seen some light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, only maybe to have added back the cold war, what are your burning desires... in terms of adventures (please spare anything else)?

I've completely shifted focus from actually going anywhere to going somewhere and staying for a few days. I haven't actually been able to do any of this yet, but I have a number of places I want to go "hang out" at for a few days and really whack around a couple spots and check some things out - mostly nerdy tree and bug stuff, but also probably not places many people really want to go stumble around either. In all instances there are nice spots to camp AFIK and I'd utilize these whilst doing short day excursions from there. I won't bore too much more with my list, but I posted a good deal of it in this thread:

There's also a number of remote beaver habitat I'd like to add on there, but I think I'll really need to up my game for that one... maybe even carry some waders :cool:

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