vendredi 1 avril 2022

What if...

I'm looking at the current geopolitical climate (the war) and wondering about what would happen if we had a nuclear strike in the NE USA. I think the pandemic has enlightened many of us to the possibility that things very unlikely to happen, can in fact, actually happen.

How to think about this? On one extreme you have the preppers, on the other extreme people that go about their life as if it won't happen. I find myself somewhere in the middle. Being the boy scout that I am, I'm wondering what to do now to prepare for that (hopefully never occuring) situation.

I find it interesting how the pandemic has inched us closer in preparation to a disaster scenario. Who would think there would be a run on TP. But now I find myself stocking more of the things I use. I also realize that I'm not into stocking things I don't routinely use like survival rations. I think to myself, What else?

As outdoor people on this forum, I believe we are far better equipped to handle disasters through skills such as making shelter, purifying water, even procuring food; and self sufficiency mindset. But these outdoor based skills are usually used in the outdoors. And what if everyone heads to, or wants to head to, the outdoors (read Adirondacks)? I doubt the local IGA in the Adirondacks could support a more than 100% increase in demand.

So stocking gas for a great escape might only seem necessary if you are close to or downwind of a target. Plattsburg?

If you are into what if scenario planning, I welcome your thoughts?

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