jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Wanakena to Lows Lake

Ive been planning to explore the old Red Trail for a couple of years and this year Ive been going to new places so it was time. 20 September 2017 I started in Wanakena at 8am and made good time on the old Rail Bed. I noticed that the trees were covered in spider webs and made for an eerie scene.

I made good time and was able to arrive at Cowhorn Junction at about 11am after a few breaks for water and to take in the air.
I found the trail very easy to walk and it was marked with just enough Trail Markers to keep you comfortable with knowing you are on the right track. Some markers are Red, some are a faded Orange and there were a few odd metal disks with Orange spray paint.

Passing Slender Pond I noticed the leaves were falling pretty steady and the crunching of leaves under my feet would announce my presence to any wildlife as I went along.

Making my way to Big Deer Pond the trail takes a sharp Left along the bank and through some blow downbeat is marked with yellow disks as a canoe carry. The camp site on Big Deer Pond is marked with a Camp Here Disk and was labeled #2. I stopped to look around and size it up as a potential site for that night.

I made it to the shore of Lows Lake just before Noon and had a spectacular view of everything. A new Register Box was right there and looked as it was never used. I looked around and thought I could walk the bank to a camp site around to the right.New growth Pine and swampy sink holes made me turn around after about 100 yards. I looked at he Campsite at the Landing and it was inadequate for a hammock so decided to go back to Big Deer. Besides the Yodeling canoest on Lows I had seen only two people and they were about a quarter mile from Wanakena in the morning.

The next morning a heavy fog had covered the pond and made for some cool views the next morning.

After packing up I decided to look for the Trip-county marker on my way back. I walked to where the trail met the County Line and shot an azmuth. I stayed on the high ground and walked around the draws that were steep. I walked right up to the false marker

Walking in the direction of the arrow I was able to find the Trip-county Marker even though it was surrounded by longs as if to be hidden. After taking photos of all three sides

I shot an azimuth to the trail and was back at Cowhorn Junction. I had planned to stay at Cowhorn Pond for the night but decided to go to Cat Mountain Pond to cut off some miles for the last day. I found that there was a group of four at Cowhorn Pond when I was back at the register in Wanakena.So good choice for me as I wanted to make this a lone trip.

Fog again was on the pond in the morning but the sun quickly dissipated it. I was on the trail around 8am and didn't see another hiker until just before Dead Creek Flow. A women who didn't want to stop for a chat but declared it to be a nice day for a hike. I was back at the car around 11am and thought about the Pine Cone for lunch but drove home to start cleaning gear.

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