mercredi 21 novembre 2018

Crowds, Waits, Fees

The Guardian has a feature on a subject frequently discussed here, but in this case it's overuse of the national parks. Reading it is enough to keep me away from many of the places I've wanted to visit but haven't yet. I'm glad I got to some before social media changed things so much.
Like many favorite spots in the Adirondacks, I recognize it's often a matter of getting there at the right time to enjoy a peaceful experience, but the aftermath of overuse sometimes can't be avoided. I can't imagine waiting an hour to climb a ladder on a hike as in one location mentioned. Like the municipality where I live, the one in the article has all these people going to their water supply to get their selfie. They've started charging a fee to go there, in my town it's illegal to be there but enforcement is lacking.

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