lundi 19 novembre 2018

Saint Regis 11/18

This was my first true winter hike of the season. Temperature was only 5F at trailhead but I hiked most of the way up in only a fleece jacket. I added a light down jacket for the way down and never needed my hard shell. No ice on this trail today, just a lot of snow (12''-18''). Although I met only 1 other hiker during my 4.5 hour trip, the path is well-trodden as can be seen here:

Neer the top, a partridge and I startled each other. It was hiding in the snow and made such a commotion I thought there had been an avalanche! It's in the center of this picture:

This trail has a very easy grade for the first 2/3. The last 1/3 is more steep but there no climbing is necessary. The top is a big area that offers unrestricted views East and the fire tower makes it a true 360. I had read somewhere that the tower was inaccessible - not true, it got rebuilt recently.

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