lundi 26 novembre 2018

Winter 46 Guidance

Hey there group. Looking for suggestions on where to start our Winter 46 journey. Not to :beatdead: but some of the info we have come across is a few years old.

A little info to possibly corral the responses. We are not new to ADK or High peak hiking; however, are very new to winter hiking / camping. As we are 6 hours away with limited weekends to get up, it would in fact be an overnight endeavor (We live 2 miles from the AT and will train, test, and practice what we can - albeit not at altitude). We have reached the summit of Cascade, Porter, Esther, White Face, and Summer.

Gear wise we have a Light 4 season tent, two 0 degree bags, closed foam pad, inflatable pad, a good layering system with hard shell overcoat, OR gloves with liners, multiple hats, Snow shoes, Microspikes (possibly adding 10 pt crampons), and OR Gaiters. More has been excluded from this list to keep the post somewhat less voluminous.

With all that said, seeking recommendations as to the safer approach in tackling a winter 46 peak with an overnight stay to test the system. We have read and considered a non 46 to start, but that is not our style. As we did not have enough time while doing Giant to get in Rocky Ridge, we were thinking of Rocky Ridge via Roaring Brook with the overnight at the Campsite near the top of the waterfall? Should be able to get the hike in and back down while being close to the case / road is there is an issue.

Welcome any thoughts on this and recommendations on other potential peaks. Thanks in advance for your insight and patience.

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