mardi 30 avril 2019

Any calorie burn calculators for hiking snowshoeing that don't suck

Does anyone know of any online calculators where you can enter in things like your body weight, height, distance, vertical gain/loss and more specifically things that make the Adirondacks unique: Like mud, postholeing through a monorail, climbing up rocks, snowshoeing a fresh path up a mountain, etc.

I can find calculators online. However I feel they calculate very basically like a physics problem on how much energy it takes to move a 180 lb person 1 mile with an estimate on angle of grade. But none of them seem to be even close to one another. For a recent hike with my 190 lbs + 20 lbs pack, 2866 vert feet over 7 miles in 7.75 hours I get this:

I'll enter in info like this one which says I've burned 4500 cals:

But then this one I can enter more detailed info and it results in 1571 calories:
Meanwhile I burn about 2000 calories a day to maintain constant body weight.

This one I get 1612:

This one I get 3871:

Which of these, (or others out there) do I believe? This is important to me, because after a hike I want to know how many cheeseburgers, fries, and grilled cheeses I can eat at the Noonmark after a hike and not gain any weight for the day.

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