samedi 6 avril 2019

Boot Insoles

About 6 weeks ago I did some hiking in a pretty muddy area, came home took out laces, insoles etc, did a nice clean up and rubbed in some sno-seal. Wrapped the laces around the insoles and set them aside. Asolo Powermatics.

Long story short, they come up missing. Not a trace.

So I'm in my yard the other day with no snow pack for the first in a long time and I find pieces of the insoles and laces scattered throughout the yard......along with parts of that lime green fake croc, (also missing for a good part of the winter), I couldn't find.

Did I mention I have three dogs......?

So, looking for some suggestions for replacement insoles.

Really no local source here for suitable boot laces either so I'd really like some options there. The boots have the brass pulley lacing system.

Thanks in advance

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