mardi 9 avril 2019

Sawyer "Autumn Mist" solo canoe

Sorry there isn't a photo but I will send them to anyone who is seriously interested. This was my first solo canoe back in the 90's but I've had my knee replaced so have moved into lighter canoes. The canoe has always been stored in my barn on sawhorses unless on a trip. It's the old Goldenglass layup and weighs around 42 pounds. The standard tractor seat is still with the canoe and you can adjust it fore & aft as well as up & down. A bow footbrace is also installed. Overall the boat has been good to me and I'm just trying to find it a new home where it will be used and enjoyed. I'd like $400.00 but am open to other suggestions.

You can contact me via the site or e-mail me directly at:

I live in central NYS and am willing to assist in getting this to a new owner if that will help. I guess we'll paddle under that bridge when we come to it.

That's all for now. Take care and until next well.


PS - I can also toss in a solo portage yoke I made for the boat if you're interested.

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