lundi 15 juin 2020

Red-Tailed Hawk screeching repeatedly?

Not a siting in the Adirondacks but it is a species one would find there.

I was out walking in Albany Rural Cemetery the last two days. There's nearly 500 acres of green space and forest on this property and I often see hawks circling the grounds. So on each of these outings I encountered a red-tailed hawk doing something I had never heard/seen before. It screeched over and over and over. Like 15 times in a row when I was in the same area it was. I assume it was the same hawk on each of the days as the encounters were no more than a half mile apart and the behavior of two different hawks doing something I've never run into before would be a hell of a coincidence.

What would cause this behavior? I've heard hawks screech a few times but never repeatedly like that and never for so long or so loud. The screech almost sounded pained. It went on for over a minute each time.

Any ideas?

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