mardi 16 juin 2020

You're going on a 7 day trip...What exactly do you bring for food and drink?

You're going on a 7 day trip...What exactly do you bring for food and drink?

To me, dinner is most important, I want my stomach to be content lying down to go to sleep.

I'm the crazy guy willing to carry a jar of sauce for 2 days and have fancy Rana raviolis and tortellinis.

Night 3 I break out pasta, small cans of carrots and peas, a small jar of pesto, small cans of cooked chicken and I throw a weird meal together!

The remaining nights get tricky because of the inability to go crazy heavy and things not staying good if not perishable.

Just add water backpacking meals...I've been STARVING and unable to eat some of that garbage!

I need help with ideas!

I've managed to do it but I always think I'm doing it wrong and miss thinking of some obvious things.

Any suggestions - full meals...just add boiling water meals that you SWEAR are delicious! Anything...everything!

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