vendredi 31 juillet 2020

Short hike campsite low traffic ideas

Have been following posts about High Peaks area specifically and other areas in general getting trampled.

I have the opportunity to get away this weekend and am looking for less traveled options. Usually we are ok going pretty far in but this time we have a new comer so am looking for places where to can pitch your tent withing sight of your car or a hike in less than 2 miles (or so). Thought I was heading up Sun evening but I think that is getting pushed up to Saturday so am concerned about crowds as well. Looking in South East ADK's - staying away from High Peak circus. I understand some of my requirements contradict (easy to get to, no one there) but I am sure there are some nooks and crannies out there...

My thoughts so far:
Wakely Dam area: close to water, some car sites. I believe there is a trail that leads to a site to the right as you cross the bridge.

Wakely Pond

Good Luck Lake in Ferris Lake Wild Forest

Nine Corners lake in Ferris Lake Wild Forest

If the "fishing hole" rule applies (why should I publicize my gem of a spot) maybe a PM?

Thanks - trying to introduce someone to great outdoors AND convince an experienced person that the ADK's are way more than 46 peaks.

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