mercredi 8 juillet 2020

Sodium considerations and pack weight

I’m looking at attempting the NPT this fall again this fall. While the hike itself isn’t what I’m looking for information on, its packable meals with lower sodium than the freeze dried commercial ones that rabge from as low as 65mg for a breakfast granola to 930 and more for anything with meat in it.

Sodium in general is not to concerning as long as we keep it below the rda of 2300mg, which is still A LOT.

I need to take into consideration lower amounts as now I only have one kidney, and I cannot afford to impact its functionality.

So for those with one kidney, or those who are vegan, vegetarians, I’d like to know your workarounds and what you have done to keep the sodium down, and weight of your meals.

I am also interested in those who also take into consideration these benchmarks regardless of health concerns or preferences.

Thanks in advance.

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