mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Hot tenting

So air is getting crisp. We are 4 season hammock campers and have the right gear to overnight safely. Although we usually string up close enough to chit chat we do miss a larger shelter to get out of the weather a bit, play cards, do simple camp chores. And while a campfire is timeless and enjoyable a smaller fire crackling away in a stove inside a shelter has some distinct advantages too.

Looking for thoughts and experiences.

I've seen the snow trekker canvas tents, and others, but that may be more of a basecamp thing. Especially since we'd probably sleep in the hammocks still. Big tents are nice but I think the smaller pyramid types (Kifaru, Seekoutside, Luxe) are where we will end up. Some are light enough to toss in pack w/o stove to serve as emergency shelters.

Kni-Co stoves would work well for car camping but if we wanted to backpack a bit we'd probably have to resort to a sled. The low weight stoves seem to be "some assembly required" which is fine but I would worry about the small bits wandering off in the snow.

Of course, now we'd have to carry tools to process wood (only dead & downed) and this whole rig would be not permitted in High Peaks or other areas that ban campfires. Still, the idea of having a "warming hut" even at a ADK Loj site is attractive.

Would welcome your warm thoughts.

mardi 29 septembre 2020

Tentsites @ Livingston Point?


Are there tent sites at Livingston Point?

What about at Griffin or Flowed Lands leantos?


lundi 28 septembre 2020

Warbonnet Ridge Runner

Does anyone own a Warbonnet Ridge Runner hammock? I've been using a Hennessy for years and am thinking of switching to a lay-flat hammock. I'm concerned the Warbonnet is easy to tip over after looking at the setup. Thanks,

Wall tent recommendations

I'm looking to hunt out of a wall tent for several weeks this rifle season. I've never done a wall tent before. Looking to hike it 2-4 miles back in the woods for several weeks, and set it up on a frame made of local (down and dead) timber and run a wood stove in it. I'd want to be able to fit two people, beds and gear. I realize it would take several trips to get all the gear in there.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a tent? It's tough finding the right balance between weight (preferably 35 lbs or less) and size (I think 10x10 would be comfortable enough, not sure about 8x10) and price (looking to stay below $900).

Some of the brands I'm looking at are Eena, Panther Primitives, Atuk, and Alaska Tent and Tarp.

I'm leaning toward the Eena, but it's not flame retardant-treated. Does anyone know whether that's necessary when running a stove, either as a matter of law (as I have seen suggested on other websites) or common sense?

I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions about any of this stuff. I'm open to buying used as well, if anyone happens to know of any opportunities.

dimanche 27 septembre 2020

"The Mountain..."

"The Mountain"....

The mountain, the beckoning call of the wilderness, the howling of the wintery night as it traverses the moonlit landscape of the crevasse of the high peak...

Ah....they appear, the family of the Adirondacks, up to their conquest...and in my opinion, a ghastly collection indeed.


vendredi 25 septembre 2020

How to speed up cybersecurity implementation in industrial organizations

It is often said that cybersecurity is a process, not a result. But in business, it is regularly implemented in pieces, or projects – each of which has its own timeline, finite goal and results. The way a company conducts such projects can actually reveal where there is room for improvement in terms of management and processes which, in the end, will speed up cybersecurity implementation.

In heavy industry, project implementation for industrial control systems is not easy. In particular, to install protection for computers which control an electric turbine or an automobile conveyor, for example, you need to consider numerous impacts. This includes making sure that implementation does not affect the production process, and that the protection will be built according to necessary standards and regulations.

Projects in these settings can take several years in some instances. From speaking to a number of our customers, I know that it can take up to two years just to draw up project documentation and purchase software. And while attacks are hitting almost half of organizations in the industrial sector and becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is important for these companies to not let the process take even longer. Below are some management and process hints that should help avoid that.

1. Assign clear responsibilities between departments

The speed of project realization highly depends on project ownership and coordination between the departments involved in the process. Therefore, it’s important to determine which team is the project driver, and which is involved in approval and implementation. For example, a project can be initiated by an OT engineering team, while deployment is catered for by the IT security department, or vice versa.

There may also be occasions where an IT security department is willing to implement something, but it doesn’t have the budget. Meanwhile, the OT team may have the budget, but it’s outside of their priority remit. Without this mutual buy-in, budget barging and arguments between departments may take months. A clear assignment of responsibilities, a smooth decision-making process, and criteria for justifying the project, are necessary to address this issue.

2. Optimize approval processes

How quickly the project goes from decision to implementation depends on management effectiveness within the company. There is a concept in computing systems called latency (or timing), which determines the speed of the processor. It shows the delays that occur when the processor executes a command. The better the processes – such as standard development, project design and approval at all levels, piloting, budgeting, and procurement – the lower the latency.

An unstructured approval process at all levels can affect that latency. The more teams involved, the more time needed to get all required approvals. This is one of the most frequently cited obstacles in industrial cybersecurity projects, along with delays in approval from a top-management level, as we found in a recent market survey.

To streamline the approval process it is important to have clear deadlines and clarity about what needs to be agreed, with whom, and at what stage. In a lot of cases, too many top managers – from CIOs to security service and CFOs – are involved in the approval process. They may need more time to get to the point and ask more details before making decisions.

Additional time also derives from the fact that cybersecurity projects don’t always demonstrate quick and clear ROI, as in automation, for example. Not understanding those immediate benefits often leads to a lack of motivation among decision-makers to approve such projects. This needs to be remedied so that, the advantages and long-term ROI are clearer to decision makers from the outset, ultimately streamlining the approval process.

3. Engage your C-level and speak to them in their language

There are also occasions where the C-suite is not properly involved in cybersecurity discussions, and therefore don’t see any value investing in it. This may be due to the fact that OT teams and management speak different languages. OT practitioners often use the wrong arguments and include too many technical details when protecting a project. Alternately, they say too little about the business goals the project will solve, what risks it will eliminate, and how much money it would ultimately save.

This soft skill of communicating in the same language can, and should, be developed. Last year at the Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity Conference I attended a keynote by Patrick Miller, Managing Partner at Archer International, a critical infrastructure protection services firm. He pointed out, very accurately, that a risk-based approach is key when justifying a project to the board. Don’t tell them how network monitoring will help you detect attacks at an early stage. Instead, tell them what they can lose if you are not able to do this. Primly, money, the trust of customers and partners, credit ratings and competitor advantage.

4. Align compliance with vital protection demands

Typically, a cybersecurity initiative comes from the bottom up. However, there is also a reverse case where management decides to invest in security, as there is a demand to comply with regulatory requirements. This trend was confirmed by market research that we conducted last year. For more than half of companies (55%), the main reason for investing in information security for ICS was regulation requirements.

Although such a project may be better than nothing, it would be much more efficient to synchronize the business request and the needs of IT security. It is important to motivate OT, IT, information security, the C-suite and the board for a dialog and conjoined efforts. Experts from consulting firm Oliver Wyman named such joint efforts as a fundamental culture shift which is necessary to close the gap in industrial protection.

5. Enhance your team’s expertise

Another obstacle to implementing information security projects is the lack of dedicated expertise. Project development, implementation and operation, and especially large complex projects such as SIEM, require special processes and practices. In a developing industry, these are not available to all specialists and can hardly be created overnight.

Therefore, along with the optimization of decision-making and approval processes, companies need to constantly drive employee education. Across both IT and OT, this means providing them with the most up-to-date information about threats, as well as conducting specialized training on solutions. This will help departments better understand each other's priorities and areas of responsibility, to communicate more effectively, and to then negotiate faster during projects.

Industrial safety follows the path of natural development. Unless an industrial company experiences a serious incident, very few seek to force or accelerate the implementation of ICS security. Of course, there are exceptions – one oil and gas company managed to deploy the protection of its industrial assets in just 18 months. This usually requires strong C-level involvement and very large resources – in the case of this company, 30,000 employees. For all other companies, it is more about evolution rather than revolution. The steps listed above should help evolve industrial cybersecurity implementation at a comfortable speed. Step by step, it will become easier and faster.

In turn, the market is sufficiently developed and ready to help with this, by clarifying ROI and benefits for security projects, communicating clear business risks, providing specific expertise and educational initiatives. This should be combined with the continuous improvement of protection methods. At this stage though, it is important for companies to understand what their obstacles are, to help overcome them.

Comment by Alexander Moiseev, Chief Business Officer at Kaspersky

pusat jagaan anak anak yatim

saya plan nak beli sebiji rumah lagi untuk bukak pusat jagaan anak anak yatim dkt area kota damansara ni. skrg saya dh ada 3 bijik rumah and semua dh buat utk sewa. maklumlah umur makin tua ingat nak berjasa lah untuk masyarakat hehe tp tulah rumah area sini mahal sikit... and kalau ada pun mesti susah bank nk approve sbb mmg dh byk loan dengan diorang. korang ada cadangan tk mcm mana???

jeudi 24 septembre 2020

Who can recommend a great packraft?

Who can recommend a great packraft - super strong and reliable, able to accommodate a 190 pound man and 45 pounds of gear...for flat water tripping? Have never done the Long Lake to Tupper Lake Racquette River trip because of the 1 mile carry around the falls with a royalex tandem canoe and a heavy pack...saw some guys getting ready to do this trip in pack rafts at Long Lake boat launch as I was getting back from my recent trip...saw how it solved that problem!

Autocad Civil Drawing Certification

What are best Online Autocad Civil Drawing Certification?
Online Autocad Civil Drawing Certification

mercredi 23 septembre 2020

New trails near The Branch??

I think there are some relatively new trails near Palmer Pond and The Branch.
I've looked through a bunch of DEC stuff, but can't seem to find much info.
Anyone know of these trails?

Mount Colden Trap Dyke

Hi all, I'm doing Mt. Colden via the trap dyke this weekend. I was just wondering what the conditions are this time of year. Has ice started to form? I've been keeping an eye on the temps and it looks like it only dipped below freezing a few times near the peaks so far. After Mt. Colden we plan on hitting TT then Phelps. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Kelty Thunberhead 4 person tent

Hi folks,

After any years of service the Thunderhead has given up the ghost. Or should I say the octopus - that black piece of plastic the 6 poles insert into at the peak of the tent.

I ended up getting another tent, so if you need the octopus or any frame components let me know. I might have the fly.

Free to a good home - send me a check for shipping.

mardi 22 septembre 2020

Otter Lake/Little Moose Pond, WCLWA, 22 Sep, 2020

I haven't done a trip report in some time and I figured today was as good as any to fight the photo demons that have plagued me recently. Otter Lake and Little Moose Pond in the West Canada Lakes Wilderness Area have been on my radar sine I started hiking again back in 2012. Today was the day

Tredhed and I left the Hamilton County Mosquito Preserve at a reasonable hour and soon arrived at the turnoff into the Perkins Clearing easement area.

We bumped along the dirt road for a while, making note of the road closed barricades at Sled Harbor. We followed the Jessup River Rd. for another 7 miles to check out the Spruce Lake parking area. There were four cars there, including one sedan that must have had a tough ride as the last two miles of the road were quite rough.

Backtracking, we pulled off Jessup River Rd. and parked at Campsite #12. Quickly suiting up, we followed the unmarked path into the WCLWA.

The path follows an old logging road and the foot tread was well defined along this short route to Otter Lake.

There were several stream crossings that would have been difficult in high water, but posed no problem today. After about 45 minutes of walking, we turned off the old road and followed a short path to the outlet of the lake.

A stiff wind greeted up as we gazed out over the lake. While we didn't see any otters, we enjoyed a small snack and enjoyed the fall colors.

Soon enough, we headed back down the trail to Campsite #12 for some hot soup and fresh bread. After our lunch, we got in the truck and drove the mile to the start of our next adventure, Little Moose Pond.

The trail for Little Moose starts at a gate and passes a lease cabin before skirting a small meadow.

The logging road (we're still on easement land), descend to cross the Jessup River on a washed out bridge.

About 200 yds past the bridge, the old road that leads to Little Moose Pond heads uphill into the woods. While the path to Otter Lake was well traveled, the old road to Little Moose was overgrown in spots and had a light foot tread. Still, the track was obvious as it climbed over 400' to a height of land.

As the path approached the pond, it became a little rocky and festooned with blowdown. Once at the shore of the pond, we had to rock hop across the narrow outlet to get to an old campsite on the south shore. The views across the pond to Pillsbury Mt. were spectacular to say the least.

The fire tower was clearly visible as it was only 2.5 miles away and 1400' above us.

After gawking at the magnitude of Pillsbury and the beauty of the pond, we hoofed it back down the hill to the truck. We had another bumpy drive down the dirt road, this time following a logging truck all the way to the Perkins Clearing intersection. Logging trucks aside, these were two really neat hikes and I'm glad we had such a beautiful day to spend in the woods.

Buttermilk Pond

Recently, a friend and I hiked to Buttermilk Pond from Lily Pond and lost the trail at a cedar swamp about 1/2 mile from Buttermilk Pond.,-73.636379,14z

The trail up to the cedar swamp was easily followed but literally stopped at the cedar swamp. We saw some grasses that looked like something may have been through and followed those for a little while but we got a late start and had to head back. On our way back, we kept looking at the trail to see if we missed a turn off but didn't see one.

Does anyone have experience with this trail to Buttermilk Pond from Lily to know if it does go through the cedar swamp or I missed a turn off?

p.s. Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate the cedar swamp picture.

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Cryptomining: SMBs need protection against the rapidly growing threat in SEA

Over the last decade, major developments have been implemented across Southeast Asian countries in terms of connectivity. Parallel to this is the rise of security threats lurking behind the virtual world. Amongst the threats overlooked, particularly by small and medium businesses (SMBs) in the region is cryptomining.

According to Kaspersky's latest report, the global cybersecurity company has detected 1,726,799 mining attempts in the first half of this year targeting SMBs in Southeast Asia (SEA). Despite a slight decrease compared with the same period in 2019, cryptomining attempts logged the highest for SMBs in the region compared to phishing with 1,602,523 detections and ransomware with 504,304 detections from January to June 2020.

Kaspersky's data also shows that four out of six Southeast Asian countries are in the top 15 globally when it comes to cryptomining attempts. Indonesia is the country with the highest number of cryptomining detections against SMBs for H1 2020, this is despite a decrease of 40% compared to the same period last year.

In the global ranking, Russia is the country with the most number of cryptomining prevented by the global cybersecurity company in the second quarter of 2020, followed by China, India, Indonesia and Vietnam.

“This threat is clearly not as popular as phishing and ransomware primarily because its presence is usually unannounced. With a pandemic situation that indirectly encourages the development of digital transformation in the SEA region, it is appropriate for business drivers to understand the potential risks of cryptomining. This threat is silent, hidden inside our devices and networks, slowly sucking our bandwidth, electricity, and damaging our hardware which are all costly at a time when SMBs need their cash flow the most,” says Yeo Siang Tiong General Manager for Southeast Asia at Kaspersky.

Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of someone else's computer to mine cryptocurrency. This is also known as malicious mining. Cybercriminals use a variety of covert means to install mining programs on other people's computers and take all the profits from cryptocurrency mining without incurring equipment or electricity costs.

A cryptomining malware can overwhelm a system, causing severe performance problems, which will have an extremely rapid effect on businesses' networks and the most important, their customers. What makes cryptojacking a threat that can be dangerous for businesses is that cryptocurrencies remain a more easily anonymized form of ransom payment. In conclusion, cybercrime like miners is very capable to do their work for years without attracting any attention, thus, being undetected for a long time.

“We understand that cybersecurity can be an afterthought for SMBs in this challenging period. However, defenses are needed to foil malicious attempts which can damage their systems, devices, and their pockets. There are simple ways to avoid cryptomining such as never using pirated software and deploying enterprise-grade protection into your servers and endpoints. For our part, we are also offering free cybersecurity training for SMBs to help them educate their employees against these threats online,” adds Yeo.

Kaspersky is offering a free three-month Automated Security Awareness Training aimed at helping small and medium-sized companies to improve their employees cybersecurity know-how. This program is available until the end of September 2020 and works with up to 500 users. Interested business owners can visit this link: for further information

The global cybersecurity company is also supporting the SME segment in fortifying its cyber defenses by giving a buy 1 year license get 1 year license for free promotion of unrivaled endpoint solutions that include:
• Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
• Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Cloud and Cloud Plus
• Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365
• Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security.

Please visit the following links for more information on related regional promotions.

In essence, some signs that may point towards devices being used for crypto-mining are:
• Substantial increase in electrical consumption and usage of CPU
• System response will slow; the device’s memory, processor, and graphics adapter are bogged down completing cryptomining tasks.
• Wasted bandwidth will decrease the speed and efficiency of legitimate computing workloads
• Batteries will run down much faster than before, and devices may run quite hot.
• If the device uses a data plan, users will see data usage skyrocket.

To proactively safeguard your business against SMBs, here’s what you should focus on:
• Enhancing the cybersecurity awareness of your employees is the first step, but a highly critical one for any business that takes cybersecurity seriously.
• Monitor web traffic – frequent queries to domains of popular cryptomining pools are a clear sign that someone is mining at your expense.
• Keep track of your server load. If the daily load changes suddenly, that may be a symptom of a malicious miner. Carrying out regular security audits of your corporate network may also be helpful.
• Ensure that all your software are up to date as soon as they are available so that you are well prepared for the latest cyberthreats.
• Implement the right cybersecurity solution for every aspect of your business operations, both hardware and software related. Use a dedicated endpoint security solution equipped with web and application control, anomaly control and exploit prevention components that monitor and block suspicious activity on the corporate network.

dimanche 20 septembre 2020

Weekday parking

Ok so I know this is beyond a mad house on weekends and in the summer but is it reasonable to be able to arrive there at a non-ridiculous early hour on a fall weekday and get a spot? Same question for the Garden and Rooster Comb lots.

I've only done one HPWA hike in the last four years (and that was from Upper Works) because of the crowds but would like to do a couple weekday ones in the next two weeks.

Cranberry Lake 50

Does anyone know if there is any cell service on the Cranberry Lake 50? AT&T? I plan on hiking it this coming week. Not sure exactly how long it will take me and I'd like to be able to give someone an ETA if possible.

jeudi 17 septembre 2020

Allegany State Park

With nearly 65,000 acres of land, Allegany S.P. is the largest state park in New York. It's a great place for hiking, cycling, kayaking, swimming, camping, and other outdoor recreational activities.

I recently visited the park to train for my upcoming Adirondacks trip. Starting an hour before sunrise, I hiked/walked close to 20 miles on trails ranging from easy to moderate ("difficult" trails are difficult to find in this half of the state). I also did some off-trail exploration, working my way around thorns and having a brief encounter with a black bear deep in the wilderness. It was only the second bear I've ever seen in the wild and the first I've seen while hiking.

Here are some photos from my recent outing, starting with a post-sunrise scene where effects of the West Coast wildfires are evident thousands of miles away.

More photos can be seen here and a winter photo gallery can be found here.

Swift Touring Kayak for sale

Swift Labrador Sea Kayak
16'4" Long
25" Wide
33" x 17.5" Cockpit
48 Pounds
in Massena NY

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mercredi 16 septembre 2020

ADK Trail Cam

I just got back from my club in Long Lake after a short work weekend. I finally
Got to check a camera I left out over the winter of a carcass of a butchered buck I shot last season. Enjoy the pics....

Canoe Paddle Recommendations?

I am lightly restoring an old canotes cadorette 2 man canoe I used when paddling in my youth. I’m looking for some decent paddles. So far looking at the Shaw and tenney and bending branches beavertail. I won’t be going on any major trips. Mainly slow moving rivers and lakes. Any thoughts. Thanks

Places to stay in/near Tannersville

Hey all,
Looking for some up-to-date suggestions on lodging in or near Tannersville, while I do a couple short hikes.

Best BIM Revit Training

What are the best Online Best BIM Revit Courses?
Best BIM Revit Training

mardi 15 septembre 2020

Theft at Indian Carry

There is another thread active regarding theft in the backcountry and it's heartening to hear that the problem seems to be rare in the Adirondacks.

In the front country, around parking lots and put-ins, alas, perhaps not so much.

A week ago today (9/8/20) a friend and I had all our camping gear stolen at Indian Carry on Upper Saranac Lake while doubling the carry from Stony Creek Ponds. We were paddling the Old Forge to Saranac Lake section of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail and had been having a grand trip to that point.

After camping Monday night at Stony Creek Ponds, we'd taken our dry bag packs over the carry first, and made the mistake of trusting that no one would be low enough to steal them. It was a Tuesday morning, after Labor Day, there was no one else around when we reached the lake and no cars at the put-in. We left our gear near the water, along the bank in the trees, where they were not in full view from the parking area but were visible to anyone going down to the dock at water's edge.

We went back to get our canoes and by the time we returned, roughly 40 minutes later, our gear was gone. Actually, the thieves kindly left one item, my PFD, which suggests to me that they are not paddlers. But who knows-- they stole my buddy's PFD, which was clipped to his pack.

The state trooper and DEC ranger who responded to the scene were very helpful and professional. We were able to give them a little info about a couple we saw walking down the carry road as we were heading back to Stony Creek Ponds, and whose car was parked along the highway pullout; they were seen driving down to the parking area by another paddler later while we retrieved our boats.

This theft was a huge bummer, not only because we lost all our gear but we had to cut the trip short by one night and two paddling days.

In hindsight, I see that we probably should have carried boats first and secured them with a cable lock, and never left our dry packs near a parking lot put-in. But I have never had anything stolen before while in the Adirondacks, and just never imagined something like this would occur.

NFTC paddlers who use these popular carries should be aware that thievery is possible and take precautions.

Anybody know what a "driving in the forest preserve" ticket fine is?

Anybody know what a "driving in the forest preserve" ticket fine is?

My wife and I camped a single night at the campsite near the Hudson River near the Essex Chain Lakes...the campsite was a few hundred yards from the gate I should have parked was easy to drive around the gate and it was a ROAD beyond. I did not want to make multiple trips to the car if I forgot I DROVE to the campsite ON A ROAD! Anyhow, someone ratted us out and we were greeted by a pleasant forest ranger who felt that he needed to give me a ticket. On the one hand I'd like to make my case in court in Newcomb, making it clear that there was a road there and that I did no harm (left no trace) driving to the campsite...and I'd like to try to have the ticket reduced or thrown out...on the other hand I live between 4 and 5 hours away from Newcomb and it would be very inconvenient to go there if I had no need or desire to go there...if the fine is reasonable I'd just pay it, because "technically" I'm guilty. The ranger and I talked for an hour about the Adirondacks - he seemed to like me but I guess being called out there he had to do what he had to do...he CLAIMS that it would be "less than a parking ticket" with an administration cost perhaps. Anybody know? I need to send in this ticket with a plea.

How to respond to a message

I received a message from another user yesterday, and tried to respond, but I got a message something like "user not found", even though the message began with the user's name. How do you respond to a private message?

lundi 14 septembre 2020

Hinckley Day Use Area Proposal to add 150 Campsites

I just noticed that the Hinckley Day Use Area has a Draft UMP to add 150 campsites.

The draft UMP can be found here:

Comment period ends October 2nd, 2020.

Please read and comment. You can influence the final plan!

Fish Creek Ponds Campground Draft UMP under review

I just noticed the Fish Creek Ponds Campground UMP is under review. They are accepting comments through October 2nd 2020. The Draft UMP can be found here:

I did not read it in detail but the thing that stood out the most to me when I glanced at is that the cost to replace 6 of the comfort stations would cost $900,000 each. Now this would include adding showers to the restrooms - but I question the cost benefit of this - as opposed to keeping the showers in the single shower house as they have now. I guess I am just money conscious.

Please read it and send in your comments! You can influence the final plan!

Camping and canoeing - Floodwood area

This past weekend, my wife and I joined another couple camping at Rollins Pond. We had our old canoes with us, but want to try out some newer ones. We are thinking about renting some from the Floodwood Outpost of St. Regis Outfitters and were wondering how likely we could get one of the roadside campsites on Floodwood Road. Or should we rent and paddle to one of those reachable only by water? I know these are all first come first served. Thoughts...?

Northville- Placid Trail thru hike

The first week of September I set out to hike the NPT. Six days later I succeeded. Other than a wet start, the trip went well. I have a photo heavy, thorough TR at my website at the link below.

A small sampling

Camping and canoeing - Floodwood area

This past weekend, my wife and I joined another couple camping at Rollins Pond. We had our old canoes with us, but want to try out some newer ones. We are thinking about renting some from the Floodwood Outpost of St. Regis Outfitters and were wondering how likely we could get one of the roadside campsites on Floodwood Road. Or should we rent and paddle to one of those reachable only by water? I know these are all first come first served. Thoughts...?

Indian river (brook trout lake)

Has anyone paddled the Indian river coming out of brooktrout lake to where indian lake road meets the indian river in the moose river plains? What issues did you encounter ?

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

Outdoor Enthusiasts

Good morning,

Doing some planning - how were the crowds at Little Tupper and Low's over the weekend?

Thank you.

vendredi 11 septembre 2020

Row or paddle for a week?

I like to do a week or so solo trip each October or early Nov. But I have a dilemma. I'm 74 and can choose between paddling my PBW Spitfire and light gear and portage and traverse beaver dams, or row my beloved wood guide boat with plenty of space for gear (sleeping pad, larger tent, bottle of Scotch, better food, coffee pot, etc.) and avoid any overland stuff. I'm leaning toward the latter because, let's face it, I ain't getting any younger. I've done Cranberry, most of the Whitney, etc.
Cedar River looks interesting, as does Stillwater. Would CRF be a more isolated trip in mid October? Open to other secluded options as well. Thx.

Somewhere in the ADKs-eastern coyote

Beautiful eastern coyote...............

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Hướng dẫn cách chơi Varus mùa 10

Trong bài viết này, Gamehot24h chúng mình sẽ chia sẻ cho các bạn cách chơi Varus mùa 10 trở thành xạ thủ bá đạo tại đường dưới trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại. Hãy cùng đi vào tìm hiểu ngay nhé!

xem thêm: Cách Chơi Vayne
giai đoạn đầu Game
AD nào cũng vậy việc farm lính là công việc hàng đầu và Varus cũng không ngoại lệ, với tầm đánh xa nên việc farm khá dễ thở.
Mũi Tên Xuyên Phá (Q) đê farm những con lính ở xa và cấu rỉa máu cực tốt với lượng sát thương cao, kỹ năng này đòi hỏi định hướng cao nên cố gắng đừng để miss mà lượng mana cũng tốn đó. Khi kích hoạt Tên Độc (W) thì Mũi Tên Xuyên Phá (Q) gây sát thương cực kỳ cực kỳ thốn đó.

Online Structural Engineering Courses

What are the best Online Structural Engineering Courses?
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hutang beli iphone

Teringin sangat nak pakai iphone 11 pro max... tapi tulah harga nak dkt 6K dooo mcm nak beli moto 😂 tapi boleh je kan nak buat loan utk beli phone???

jeudi 10 septembre 2020

Somewhere in the ADKs - eagle

On a recent canoe trip:

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Slate Run Superloop-Tiadaghton State Forest


An incredible 18 mile loop with everything you could want. Vistas, cascades, beautiful streams, gorges, swimming holes. I really enjoyed this hike.

mercredi 9 septembre 2020

Theft in the backcountry

Just wondering if people are getting stuff stolen while out climbing/hiking with so many novices out there. I always leave my stuff in my tent/lean to, but I usually only backpack in early spring/late fall and mid week to avoid crowds. I realize that doesn't apply this year, which is why I am heading up to NH Sunday instead of Lake Placid.

I am not suggesting that I think thefts have gone up, strictly asking if they have.

Any of you hiked into Little / Big Shallow in the Five Ponds recently?

Any of you hiked into Little / Big Shallow in the Five Ponds recently? Tried to go back there 2 years ago and new beaver "lakes" that USE to be the trail made it impossible for everyone but the most determined.

Anyone recently been back in to Sand Lake from the Oswegatchie and know the trouble spots?

Would like to go there but I will be going with someone that, how should I put it?....will want a trail to be a trail!

Any trail re-routing since then?

Elk Lake - Marcy trail

Anyone been on this recently? I’m thinking of a leisurely trip, spending the 1st night somewhere along the way to Panther Gorge, 2nd night in the Gorge, up Skylight and Gray the 3rd day, and hike back, spending the 3rd night somewhere else. Been meaning to do this for years. Thoughts?

Kaspersky GReAT shares expertise on threat hunting with YARA in new online training course

Kaspersky is unveiling a new online self-study course, entitled ‘Hunt APTs with YARA like a GReAT Ninja.’ Armed with this training, any IT security professional interested in the topic can learn from the Kaspersky Global Research & Analysis Team’s best practices on threat hunting with YARA. In addition to the practical insights from the company’s world-renowned cybersecurity experts, participants will receive access to a special virtual lab, where they can practice their new skills, analyzing samples and testing YARA rules.

YARA is a unique tool that, among other things, makes it easier to identify and classify new malware samples. With its help, security analysts can create certain patterns, or ‘rules’, and search for files that match them using security solutions or multi-scanner systems. By following a few know-how guides and some effort, a researcher or a security team can achieve a new level of knowledge in threat detection, mitigation and response.

Continuous education is essential to keep IT security teams ready and effective – 35% of IT decision makers from enterprises cited improving their security specialists’ level of expertise as the main reason to increase their IT security budget. However, the pandemic has put restrictions on real-world, in-class learning activities. In order to respond to this challenge and make the course more available for individual learners, Kaspersky moved its training on YARA to an online format.

The video course is authored by the Kaspersky Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT), an internationally recognized cybersecurity group of malware researchers and threat hunters. It provides first-hand recommendations on how to search for APT-related malware samples, as well as both new and zero-day exploits that the Kaspersky GReAT team has learned about following decades of threat research.

To reinforce the gained knowledge, the training also includes quizzes and the ability to practice in an exclusive virtual lab. Participants are offered over 20 practical exercises to test their YARA rules against real-life APT cases that Kaspersky’s team has encountered during its work.

“YARA is an essential tool for discovering new, previously unknown attacks. We have seen this in our own work and research, as it helped us investigate APT attacks, cybercriminal malware or zero-day exploits. With this new online training, we are excited to make our experience and knowledge available to a wider audience,” comments Costin Raiu, Director of the Global Research and Analysis Team at Kaspersky.

Kaspersky has granted free, early access to the course for individuals from a wide variety of non-profit and non-governmental organizations. This includes groups that focus on gender-based violence, human and digital rights, cybersecurity research, cyber policy and diplomacy, and supporting active and veteran armed forces personnel transitioning to roles in the IT security industry. Organizations with representatives participating in the training include Blueprint for Free Speech, Circle of Women in Cybersecurity (CEFCYS), Cyber Peace Foundation (CPF), DiploFoundation, Federal Association of Women’s Counselling and Rape Crisis Centres (bff), GEODE, Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM) and Sciences Po, and VetSec, Inc. Feedback from these organizations will help Kaspersky improve the training, and the knowledge gained by the participants will enhance both their ability to protect organizations from attacks, as well as their threat hunting skills.

"The training will definitely add value to Cyber Peace Foundation’s skills in terms of learning new technologies like YARA rules for malware investigation and the latest APT threat hunting techniques, in order to help our research team to dive deeper into the investigation and analysis of malware, exploits and zero days which can significantly impact the eKawach project," comments Vineet Kumar, President of Cyber Peace Foundation.

“The main purpose of the CEFCYS is to promote and increase women’s leadership in cybersecurity jobs thanks to tangible actions, such as the development of a mentoring, education and training programs. In this context, the YARA training program offered by Kaspersky to some of our members is a great opportunity and perfectly fits CEFCYS’s purpose. The technical and practical aspects of this course is an interesting challenge that breaks preconceived ideas about the fact that cybersecurity technical issues should only be men’s business. This online course will make it possible for CEFCYS members, to increase their practical skills about data analysis and monitoring so they identify the chronology and the sources of threats and attacks. This program will probably help to excite the curiosity of other women, and to attract them so they discover other similar training courses oriented toward the technical aspects of cybersecurity,” comments Nacira Salvan, Founder and President of the CEFCYS.

‘Hunt APTs with YARA like a GReAT Ninja’ is the first training course in Kaspersky’s portfolio of education programs for security professionals which will be made available online. More information about the training course and registration is available at

Đặc điểm Phù Hợp Ốp Tường của Gỗ Thông Lamri

Công ty TNHH TigerWood (0907.665.335) là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp gỗ thông lamri uy tín, giá ưu đãi, chất lượng tốt.

Gỗ thông Lamri dần trở thành một xu hướng dùn trong ốp tường. Trước đây chúng ta vẫn thấy gạch men là nguyên liệu chủ yếu dùng trong ốp tường nhưng hiện nay người ta đã thay đổi sử dụng gỗ thông ốp tường ngày càng nhiều hơn.

Loại gỗ này có nhiều đặc điểm phù hợp dùng trong ốp tường, ốp trần. Sau đây chúng ta cùng nhau tìm hiểu thêm các thông tin đặc điểm gỗ thông Lamri.

Gỗ thông Lamri được nhập khẩu chủ yếu từ Phần Lan, loại gỗ này có vẫn gỗ khá đều và đẹp mắt, màu sắc của gỗ sáng kết hợp với các mắt chết nhỏ tạo nên vẽ đẹp độc đáo cho các sản phẩm ốp tường, ốp trần.

Gỗ được bào lán 4 mặt và chạy rảnh âm dương chống mo phù hợp cho thi công ốp trần, ốp tường, tiết kiệm được chi phí cho việc xử lý gỗ thành thành phẩm.

Giá của gỗ thông Lamri có đắt không?

Giá của loại gỗ này có phần cao hơn so với các loại gỗ thông khác, nhưng xét về tính thẩm mỹ và giá trị của nó mang lại thì có thể chấp nhận được

Nếu bạn là nhà thi công đang tìm kiếm nơi cung cấp gỗ thông Lamri?

Bạn đang tìm kiếm nơi cung cấp gỗ thông Lamri giá tốt?

Bạn đang tìm nơi cung cấp gỗ uy tín?

Hãy liên hệ với TigerWood để chúng tôi có cơ hội cung cấp cho bạn loại gỗ tốt và giá phù hợp tiết kiệm chi phí thi công.

Hotline: 0907.665.335

Xem thêm gỗ thông lamri tại:

mardi 8 septembre 2020

Giá gỗ thông ốp tường biến động như thế nào?

Công ty TNHH TigerWood (0907.665.335) là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp giá gỗ thông ốp tường ưu đãi, chất lượng tốt.
Hiện nay, chúng ta cũng có thể thấy mức độ phổ biến của gỗ trong các sản phẩm làm nội thất gia đình và các công trình công cộng. Và bây giờ, gỗ còn được ứng dụng nhiều trong sản xuất và thi công các công trình ốp tường, ốp trần
Gỗ thông ốp tường là một thiết kế độc đáo tạo nên vẽ đẹp sang trọng và có tính thẩm mỹ cao cho ngôi nhà. Không những giá trị về mặt thẩm mỹ mà gỗ từ xưa đến nay luôn mang lại một cảm giác ấm áp và gần gũi với thiên nhiên.
Giá gỗ Thông ốp tường đắt không?
Trên thị tế so với các loại gỗ thông khác thì gỗ thông lamri dùng để ốp tường có giá cao hơn. Nhưng xét về các đặc tính của gỗ và vẽ đẹp gỗ mang lại thì mức giá này vẫn được chấp nhận.
Để báo giá chính xác của gỗ thông ốp tường còn phụ thuộc vào một số yếu tố như nơi nhập khẩu của gỗ, quy cách và phẩm cấp của gỗ báo mức giá chi tiết nhất.
Nếu bạn đang thi công công trình và đang tìm một nhà cung cấp gỗ thông ốp tường giá tốt. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết thêm thông tin.
Công Ty TNHH TigerWood
Địa chỉ: 661 The Oasis 2, KDC Việt Sing, Phường An Phú, Thị Xã Thuận An, Tỉnh Bình Dương.
Tổng Kho: 42 Đường Tân Hiệp 01, Xã Tân Hiệp, Tân Uyên, Bình Dương
Hotline: 0907.665.335 ( Ms.Vy) hoặc 0907.882.335 ( Zalo)
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Raquette Lake parking

Hello everyone. Hopefully this is an easy question. What is the best access to leave a vehicle overnight at Raquette Lake ? I have never spent a night camping there and the Nat Geo map has a $ next to the lakefront parking by where the steamboat and other attractions are at the southwest corner of the lake along the roadway. Does anyone know the cost per vehicle and where to pay if its reasonable ? Tx a bunch for any and all info as I am looking to spend a night and explore around and maybe fish a little with my brother and enjoy the beautiful lake a little. Tx


Kunjamuk and Elm Lake

Good morning, I would like to paddle Kunjamuk/Elm Lake from Speculator soon and was wondering about camping possibilities along the way? If anyone has any input about hiking spots along the river or at Elm Lake I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Lý Do Bạn Nên Lựa Chọn Gỗ Thông Biến Tính

TigerWood (0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ thông biến tính uy tín, chất lượng giá cả ưu đãi cho nhà sản xuất.
Trong thời đại kinh tế phát triển ngày nay, đời sống của con người đã được cải thiện trong những nhiều năm gần đây. Do đó, nhu cầu của chúng ta cùng tăng lên, trong đó nhu cầu trang trí nhà cửa ngày càng được chú trọng hơn.
Trong đó, gỗ nguyên liệu ngày càng được sử dụng phổ biến trong sản xuất đồ gỗ nội thất trong nhà như bàn, ghế, tủ giường, … Nhưng gỗ vẫn có một số nhược điểm cần phải thay đổi như dễ bị tấn công bởi một số các sinh vật gây hại.
Để giải quyết vấn đề đó nhiều người đã tìm kiếm các giải pháp và rồi có một giải pháp được đánh giá khá cao giúp tăng độ bền cho gỗ. Gỗ thông biến tính là giải pháp mà được nghiên cứu và đánh giá cao trong ngành gỗ ngày nay. Vậy chúng ta cùng nhau chia sẻ một vài thông tin đặc điểm gỗ thông biến tính như sau.
Gỗ thông biến tính sẽ tăng được khả năng chống công vênh, hạn chế các vết nứt xướt do tác động của môi trường.
Gỗ sau khi được xử lý loại bỏ được môi trường thuận lợi của sinh vật gây hại sinh sống.
Gỗ thông biến tính không dùng hóa chất để bảo quản gỗ nên rất an toàn cho sức khỏe và thân thiện với môi trường.
Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm nơi cung cấp gỗ thông biến tính hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết.
Hotline: 0907.665.335
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Những Lý Do mà Bạn nên chọn Gỗ Thông Lamri

TigerWood (0907.665.335) là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp gỗ thông Lamri uy tín, giá ưu đãi cho nhà snar xuất.
Ngày nay, chúng ta thấy gỗ ngày càng được ứng dụng nhiều trong cuộc sống hàng ngày như các vật dụng gia đình, các đồ trang trí nội thất trong nhà, và ứng dụng cao hơn nữa là dùng trong ốp tường ốp trần.
Trong đó loại gỗ được đánh giá cao và phù hợp cho ốp trần và ốp tường hiện nay là gỗ thông Lamri. Loại gỗ này có khá nhiều đặc điểm phù hợp để đáp ứng nhu cầu về thẩm mỹ và kỹ thuật cho việc ốp tường.
Hôm nay chúng ta cùng nhau tìm hiểu các đặc điểm tuyệt vời của gỗ thông Lamri trong ốp tường.
Gỗ trước giờ luôn mang lại một cảm giác sang trọng và ấm áp cho người dùng.
Dùng gỗ để ốp tường không chỉ mang vẽ đẹp cho ngôi nhà mà còn tạo một cảm giác thoải mái cho không gian.
Gỗ thông lamri có khả năng cách âm, cách nhiệt tương đối tốt giúp tạo một không gian thoáng mát và yên tĩnh.
Gỗ dễ dàng trong sửa chửa và bảo trì nên giảm được chi phí trong khâu sửa chửa.
Gỗ thông Lamri ngày càng được ứng dụng nhiều trong các công trình thiết kế thi công ốp tường bởi sự sang trọng và cao cấp của gỗ mang lại là không thể phủ nhận.
Nếu bạn là nhà sản xuất hay thi công các công trình và đang tìm kiếm nơi cung cấp gỗ thông Lamri có mức giá ưu đãi hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi.
Hotline: 0907.665.335
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lundi 7 septembre 2020

Cá lớn nuốt cá bé

Độ tuổi: 18+

Thể loại: game mini

chơi game tại đây: Game cá lớn nuốt cá bé

Giới thiệu game:

Game Cá lớn nuốt cá bé là trò chơi Feeding Frenzy, điều khiển cá của bạn đi săn những chú cá nhỏ bé hơn dưới lòng đại dương là nhiệm vụ của người chơi

Tham gia cuộc hành trình sinh tồn đầy khắc nghiệt với chú cá nhỏ của mình. Nơi mà lớn hơn mạnh hơn sẽ tiêu diệt kẻ yếu hơn.

Phía dưới mặt nước không mấy yên ả của biển sâu cũng là một thế giới sinh tồn đầy khó khăn của mỗi sinh vật. Những loài vật nhỏ bé hơn sẽ bị con lớn ăn thịt theo quy luật phát triển của tự nhiên. Game cá lớn ăn thịt cá bé dựa trên những gì đang xảy ra dưới lòng đại dương, chúng ta sẽ gặp gỡ những cá mập, sò, sao biển, ngọc trai, cá đuối ... Những con quái vật biển sâu.

Pottsdam area recommendations

My wife and I will be staying up in the Potsdam area for several days soon. We both have Spitfire PB canoes. I'm looking for any suggestions on some day trips to explore some flat water areas. We enjoy beaver dams... and an up and back trip. Perhaps someone could suggest a trip or two? I'm aware of the Grass, and Raquette River and Massawepie Lake but are there some other gems up in that area? We'd be willing to drive an ~hour from Potsdam as well. I know that really opens options up for paddling but having someone give suggestions on specific trips helps narrow down the guesswork.

Thanks for the consideration.

Pic for attention.

2 Thermarest sleep pads - Free

While cleaning out a closet today, I found two old Thermarest sleeping pads. They're old, haven't been used in at least 10 years, but valve seems to be working properly and they were fully inflated. They're the shorter orange version. Willing to give them to anyone willing to pick them up at my home in Queensbury. I don't want to ship them.


Hornbeck New Tricks 12

2017 Hornbeck New Tricks 12, nice shape with typical bottom scratches. Rochester NY area. $1099

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Pitchoff Mountain

I had wanted to hike Pitchoff Mountain for quite some time. I must admit I did not think clearly when I picked this weekend to hike it. Labor Day weekend is one of the busiest times in the High Peaks area, and I really did not want to add to that problem, but I did. While I was driving to the trailhead parking area I made a decision, if I could not find a place to park, I would just return home. I really did not have a plan B today.

I was somewhat surprised to find open parking spaces. I arrived at the parking area just after 6 am. The main parking area for Cascade and Pitchoff mountains was full, so I did have to park in one of the other parking areas just west of the main area. Even those were filling up fast. It added less than a 10th of a mile walking distance, no big deal.

I signed in on the west end trailhead and was soon on my way, it was 6:15. A nice crisp morning with clear blue skies, perfect. The trail starts out rough for us short-legged humans. The steps up from the road have a significant rise to them, but we made it.

The first part of the trail is rough looking and unnecessarily wide. This is a clear sign of overuse, and people just not staying on the trail. This would be prevalent in a few other areas as well, making it hard to follow the actual trail. The trail immediately starts to climb up until the ridge that it follows. There are some neat lookouts along the way offering views of Cascade Mountain, and Cascade Lake below. It was awhile before I got up in elevation enough, and away from the road before I could no longer hear the traffic passing by below.

There are sections of this trail that I liked. I knew there was a steep section, was not exactly sure when or where to expect it, but knew it was before the Balanced Rock side trail. I think it was just past the third lookout before I came to the first scramble. This was fun! It was not a typical monotonous trail; this trail had some cool features to it. Once I got above the first scramble the trail skirts around to the left a bit before it brings you to the next scramble. I call it a scramble, in fact, I counted four total, perhaps they are not technically scrambling per se, but they make you work to get up them.

I continued around to the left with several ups and downs, eventually making my way to what turned out to be the last scramble before the junction on the ridge. Each scramble was short-lived but definitely got the blood pumping. Soon I was on the ridge and made my way to the Balanced Rocks, lookout. Here I would take a little break, enjoy the views. I spent about 20 minutes relaxing in the sun, spying hikers on top of Cascade Mountain.

I eventually packed up and started towards my destination, Pitchoff Mountain. I ran into the first hikers heading towards Balanced Rocks. I did not see them again so they apparently only hiked for those views.

The trail over to Pitchoff is nothing like the trail below the ridge. There are some ups and downs, but nothing as long-lasting as the scrambles. There are still a few more views along the ridge walk to Pitchoff, but literally no views from the actual summit. Just beyond the summit on the right was a lookout that offered some views as well. I had arrived at the summit at 10:26.

I only stayed for a few minutes before heading down. I passed several couples that were upbound and had a nice conversation with a hiker at the bottom of one of the scrambles. Always nice to meet those who truly enjoy and respect the outdoors.

I logged just under 3.5 miles roundtrip and 1350’ of elevation gain.


Car camping near Little Tupper

Hey all, looking for the closest place to ‘car camp’ the night before our Little Tupper trip. Looking to drop a few tents somewhere for one night.

Đặc Điểm Nổi Bật Của Gỗ Biến Tính

TigerWood (0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp gỗ biến tính giá ưu đãi, uy tín, chất lượng cho nhà sản xuất.
Ngày nay gỗ đang là loại nguyên vật liệu được sử dụng ngày càng được ưu tiên trong sản xuất và trang trí nội thất gỗ. Tuy nhiên, gỗ vẫn có một số nhược điểm mà khiến khách hàng băn khoăn do độ bền của gỗ trong quá trình sử dụng. Hôm nay chúng ta cùng nhau tìm hiểu giải pháp giúp cải thiện độ bền cho gỗ.
Gỗ biến tính là một giải pháp được đánh giá cao giúp giải quyết một số băn khoăn của khách hàng.
1.Gỗ sau khi được gia nhiệt có màu sắc từ nâu nhạt đến nâu đậm tùy vào nhiệt độ trong quá trình gia nhiệt. Màu của gỗ ít bị phai dưới tác động nắng, gió.
2.Không bị côn trùng và sâu hại tấn công: Do quá trình gia nhiệt đã thay đổi một số thành phần hóa học của gỗ làm mất đi môi trường sinh sống của các sinh vật gây hại.
3.Do quá trình gia nhiệt làm giảm độ ẩm của gỗ xuống nên giảm rõ rệt các vấn đề co rút, giản nở.
4.Gỗ biến tính chỉ sử dụng nhiệt không sử dụng thêm chất hóa học khác nên an toàn cho sức khỏe và thân thiên với môi trường.
Trên đây là một vài thông tin chia sẻ về gỗ biến tính. Để biết thêm các thông tin về gỗ biến tính vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi.

Hotline: 0907.665.335
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dimanche 6 septembre 2020

Merdeka Giveaway from local charging brand

Charby is giving away free auto cutoff cables to 25 Malaysians. They will announce the winners on 16/9, you guys can see the info on their FB post:



Haha been a while. Hopefully all are doing well and minimally affected by all that this year has thrown at us. Ponds soon!

Maria Popova on hiking

Maria Popova's latest blog entry is three meditations on walking: up & down mountains; in the woods; and in the city. If you haven't experienced her rich blend of cultural and literary references, and her inspiring outlook on life, you're in for a treat:

samedi 5 septembre 2020

On-line and Phone in License Sales

Has anyone tried going on-line or calling DEC to purchase their 2020-21 sporting licenses? I've read on other boards that the experience has not been so good for a lot of people...missing antlerless deer/turkey permits, parts of their licenses - like they paid for hunting and fishing, but only got one or the other, special trapping tags (e.g. fisher). I'll be at the town clerk on Tuesday to buy my licenses like I have done for many years. I was just wondering how it went for folks going the automated or call in routes

Wallface Mountain

Hiked Wallface Mt. yesterday. We hike to Scott Pond, bushwhacked downstream 1/4 mile, then headed up to Wallace Mt., a very tough bushwhack. There’s a great 360 view at the top but not as good as I expected. Perhaps we should have gone a little more east and made our way over to the top of the cliffs but we had enough of whacking through very dense growth.
I was very surprised to see a large area (an acre or two or three?) around the top cut down, probably with chain saw. Clearly, they did it for the view but when? The cuts didn’t look old enough to precede the APA but they weren’t recent, either. And why? It was a lot of work, not to mention totally illegal.

NOBO Thru Hike

Here's a narration free video of my 8 day NOBO thru hike, with dog.

I started on 21 Aug and had one resupply at Long Lake. I tented both at site on Jessup River and off trail a couple times. Also stayed in LTs at Mud Lake, Cedar Lakes, Stephen's Pond, Plumley Pt #2 and Moose Lake.
Very few people on the trail, there were 2 days where I saw no one. Beautiful trail and a great experience, I would definitely do it again.

Loons- somewhere in the ADKs

jeudi 3 septembre 2020

Hướng dẫn cách khắc chế Quinn mùa 10 chuẩn nhất

Trong bài viết dưới đây, Gamehot24h sẽ chỉ cho bạn cách khắc chế Quinn mùa 10 chuẩn nhất trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại. Những cách khắc chế này đều rất đơn giản và dễ thực hiện. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu ngay nhé!

Chủ đề: Quinn

Cách khắc chế Quinn mùa 10

Điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của Quinn
Điểm mạnh

Khả năng đè đường mạnh
Dồn sát thương khủng
Đảo đường hỗ trợ đồng đội rất tốt với chiêu cuối
Điểm yếu

Máu giấy như những xạ thủ khác
Chưa có Chiêu cuối thì thực sự không hề cơ động

Giá gỗ thông ốp tường có cao không?

TigerWood (0907.665.335) là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp giá gỗ thông ốp tường ưu đãi, uy tín chất lượng cho nhà sản xuất.
Gỗ thông ốp tường có đắt không?
Đây có thể là một câu hỏi được khách hàng quan tâm, vì nhu cầu sử dụng loại gỗ này trên thị trường ngày càng nhiều. Để đáp ứng được nhu cầu đó đã có khá nhiều nhà cung cấp được thành lập và đi vào sản xuất. Mỗi nhà cung cấp sẽ có mức giá gỗ có phần khá chênh lệch nhau, tuy nhiên xét về chất lượng thì gần như như nhau.
Dùng gỗ để ốp tường dần trở thành một xu hướng của thị trường bởi nó không chỉ mang lại vẽ đẹp sang trọng mà còn tạo một cảm giác gần gũi với thiên nhiên. Nó giúp cho người dùng có cảm giác thoải mái sau giờ làm việc.
Giá của loại gỗ này cũng không quá cao so với giá trị của gỗ mang lại. Vì vậy, nó được nhiều người ưa chuộng sử dụng trong ốp tường.
Giá của gỗ thông ốp tường còn phụ thuộc vào một số yếu tố mà khách hàng lựa chọn như quy cách và phẩm cấp của gỗ.
Nếu bạn là nhà sản xuất và đang tìm kiếm nơi cung cấp giá gỗ thông ốp tường ưu đãi, hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi.
Hotline: 0907.665.335

Lows lake

I just have a quick question. Does anyone know if campsite 1 at lows lower dam is accessible by land or boat only. I am coming in late and I know I can camp at the lake down the road but I was just wondering about this site.
Thanks guys

St. Regis Canoe Area, Covid, & out-of-state users

I've been planning my first trip to the Adirondacks, to canoe, fish for brook trout, and to experience some backcountry solitude. (I will be paddling solo.) The St. Regis Canoe Area seems to fit the bill. My tentative plan is to start right after Labor Day, and spend five days, paddling to the Fish Pond area, probably starting from the Long Pond Access.

Since I have never been to the Adirondack area, I would welcome any general advice about my planned itinerary. (Such as, Hoel access vs Long Pond? Any advice on places to visit or avoid, etc.)

I have a couple of specific concerns related to the current Covid situation:

1. Will the increased number of users affect my ability to find tent sites, and experience solitude?

2. I would be traveling from Michigan, with a Michigan license plate on my car. I'm a little worried about hostility to out-of-state users, given the Covid travel advisory, and the general advice to recreate close to home. Michigan is not on the restricted state list; and since I would staying alone in the wilderness, I do not worry that my plans are objectively unreasonable. But I do want to be sensitive to local attitudes. I could postpone my trip for a year, and take a trip to Michigan's upper peninsula this year instead.

Thanks for any suggestions.

mercredi 2 septembre 2020

5 Lý Do Bạn Nên Chọn Gỗ Thông Mỹ

TigerWood (0907.665.335) là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Thông Mỹ uy tín, chất lượng, giá tốt.
Ngày nay, chúng ta có thể bắt gặp gỗ dùng trong trang trí nội thất ngày càng nhiều hơn. Bởi gỗ có những ưu điểm tuyệt vời như mang lại cảm giác sang trong và gần gũi với thiên nhiên cho người dùng. Và hôm nay chúng ta cùng nhau tìm hiểu thêm thông tin 5 Lý do mà bạn nên chọn gỗ thông Mỹ.
5 Lý do bạn nên chọn gỗ thông Mỹ
Gỗ Thông Mỹ có màu sắc sáng tạo một cảm giác trẻ trung nhưng không kém phần sang trọng và tinh tế.
Gỗ thông Mỹ có độ cứng cao và chịu lực tổng thể tốt.
Gỗ có vân gỗ đều và đẹp tạo nên vẽ đẹp tinh tế cho thành phẩm.
Gỗ dễ bắt màu sơn và màu của gỗ giữ được lâu nên thành phẩm sẽ giữ được vẽ đẹp như mới sau thời gian sử dụng.
Nhựa của gỗ thông có thể kháng được sâu bệnh nên ít phải dùng chất bảo quản trước khi sản xuất. Giúp cho gỗ an toàn cho sức khỏe người dùng.
Trên đây là một vài chia sẻ về gỗ thông Mỹ. Nếu bạn là nhà sản xuất và cần thêm thông tin gỗ thông Mỹ có thể liên hệ với chúng tôi để nhận các thông tin chi tiết.
Hotline: 0907.665.335
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Brown's Tract Inlet question

I'll be passing through Brown's Tract Inlet soon while paddling the Old Forge–Saranac Lake section of the NFCT. On my maps I don't see any designated campsites (outside of DEC campgrounds) between Eighth Lake and the northern end of Raquette Lake.

Can anyone tell me if there are camping possibilities along Brown's Tract Inlet? I'm happy to follow the 150 foot rule for backcountry camping on Forest Preserve lands, but the terrain there may not easily offer such opportunities if the route is through meandering wetlands.

Ideas or info welcome. Many thanks.

mardi 1 septembre 2020

Never Regret an Adirondack Trip

My wife and I considered bailing out of a week in the Adirondacks due to crowding, but decided many of our favorite spots around home are overrun, so why not venture north and try to avoid the crowds there? We had barely left the county since March (I learned of the shutdown while camping in Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness and wished I'd taken food for a few weeks) and we were pretty confident we could get some peaceful experiences in addition to exploring new lakes, rivers and mountains. Camping was out for this trip, an airbnb turned out to be a great choice. I couldn't get myself to say we were staying in Lake Placid so I told people Averyville.

My wife was looking to do a 10K swim after the one she'd been training for was cancelled, and with some good advice offered here we switched from doing it in Lower Saranac to Follensby Clear Pond. Right as she started swimming a juvenile bald eagle flew over and perched to watch the action. Very few people were up while she swam from 6-10 am, one dog gave her a bit of a chase as she swam by a campsite, but that dog didn't stand a chance.
Attachment 19667

Since she took less than half a day to do the swim I decided to make another attempt at McKenzie which I bailed on once before when I decided I didn't have enough water or time. This time it was a different form of unpreparedness: I figured taking the Jack Rabbit Trail would have fewer people than off Rt. 86, though I remember reading a section was closed but not sure where. When I rode my bike to the trail head near the Whiteface Inn I saw where the trail was closed. O for 2.

With a few hours of light left I decided to look for the trail to Seymour Cobble between Lake Placid and the high peaks (Averyville, right?), near where we were staying. It's easily found and just as easy to follow to a fantastic view of the peaks, and I was the only one there while I hung out until sunset. Nice spot to think about two hikes from the Loj coming up during the week.
Attachment 19668
Attachment 19669
We had a rainy day hike in mind to go around Avalanche Lake and Lake Colden and Monday promised rain. For my wife it was like hiking a half-marathon the day after swimming the equivalent of one; for me it was a way to cut my high peaks hike later in the week shorter by not going past the lakes which I really wanted to get to.
We figured we would stay out of the clouds, and by starting at 5:30 away from the crowds. Good on both points, in fact it didn't rain until we were back at the north end of Avalanche so that wasn't bad.
A 46er is always joking with me about staying away from the Trap Dike so I thought it would be a good gag to swim over to it and pose at the bottom in my skivvies and tell her I did it wearing nothing more . And I realized swimming is way harder than hiking. Moments after getting out of the water a State Trooper helicopter flew over the lakes about 100' up, nothing in the ranger report for the day about it, maybe someone from Albany wanted to see the beauty but is too busy to hike? I also had to pose under a sign for the ski trail because I'm always saying I'm going to put up signs where I ski on public land near our house informing people not to walk in the tracks. In two steps to get to the sign I slipped and fell twice. I felt like the guy we saw hurrying back to the Loj in the rain whose crocks weren't working so well.
Attachment 19672
Attachment 19670
Attachment 19671

We had a good day of paddling on Lower Saranac the next day, early start and perfect weather until we got back to the State Bridge launch and heard some thunder rumbling, almost no motor boats and a nice walk around Eagle Island.

My solo hike came the next day and I was aiming to add three more peaks to the highest 25 of the Northeast list which I find more appealing than trying to become a 46-er. To limit the driving my wife would do to drop me off and pick me up, I decided to start and end at the Loj for a loop to Haystack, Skylight and Gray. Another early start and I didn't see anyone until catching up with some people heading up to Little Haystack. The only hitch in the whole day was the 3% chance of rain in the morning turning into 100% downpour with hail. Lots of time to dry off on top of Haystack in the sun and wind, and then went down the trail on the south side to Panther Gorge. This part had me nervous, but it wasn't bad and I didn't have any trouble even with the rocks being wet from the earlier rain shower.
Attachment 19673

After a solid hour on top of Skylight, most of the time the only one up there, I headed for Gray and had the big coincidence of the day. There's always a coincidence, isn't there? I stepped off the trail to let someone coming down pass, I didn't actually seeing them, but when I turned back towards the trail, a neighbor from home was coming down next. He explained he was helping pace and carry stuff for one of the women trying to set the record for the 46. I didn't even know there were two women going for it. The one I encountered finished in just over five days, I just missed crossing paths with her again on Whiteface/Esther when she finished. The other one, and current record holder finished in just under four days.
Attachment 19673

Back to the Loj trail head via the Lake Arnold Trail, you know, since it's been improved recently. Well, not all of it, but by that point my shoes were wet and muddy and my feet didn't mind some cool water so no big deal.
Attachment 19674

Another day of paddling together, another solo hike on Whiteface for me, some early morning swims in Mirror Lake for my wife, another walk up Seymour Cobble, and one to Jersey Hill to explore the trails for a possible future ski trip where I found how hard it is to get away from Cornell even on vacation in the Adirondacks when I happened upon their sugarbush.
Attachment 19675
Attachment 19676

Overall, no complaints. Making Saturdays our travel days and visiting with friends at Piseco on the way up and Bolton on the way home added a touch of normalcy to the trip, except we didn't stay with either and visit a couple days. The crowds weren't as bad as I expected except when we finished what we had planned for the day a few times, and as hard as I tried, there wasn't much garbage to pick up or TP to bury. When we got back to our neighborhood there were a dozen illegally parked cars at the gorge and a firetruck in the road as a young woman was being carried out on a stretcher. That never happens at 6 am.

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Tubbs mountaineer 36

Lightly used 4x Tubbs mountaineer 36 - $150
Text or call John 518 898 8618

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Handheld gps recommendations

Can someone recommend a hand held gps for the adirondack region
I see stuff about Delorme mini?


Fork Hill-Stone Quarry Run Loop-Tioga State Forest