mardi 15 septembre 2020

Anybody know what a "driving in the forest preserve" ticket fine is?

Anybody know what a "driving in the forest preserve" ticket fine is?

My wife and I camped a single night at the campsite near the Hudson River near the Essex Chain Lakes...the campsite was a few hundred yards from the gate I should have parked was easy to drive around the gate and it was a ROAD beyond. I did not want to make multiple trips to the car if I forgot I DROVE to the campsite ON A ROAD! Anyhow, someone ratted us out and we were greeted by a pleasant forest ranger who felt that he needed to give me a ticket. On the one hand I'd like to make my case in court in Newcomb, making it clear that there was a road there and that I did no harm (left no trace) driving to the campsite...and I'd like to try to have the ticket reduced or thrown out...on the other hand I live between 4 and 5 hours away from Newcomb and it would be very inconvenient to go there if I had no need or desire to go there...if the fine is reasonable I'd just pay it, because "technically" I'm guilty. The ranger and I talked for an hour about the Adirondacks - he seemed to like me but I guess being called out there he had to do what he had to do...he CLAIMS that it would be "less than a parking ticket" with an administration cost perhaps. Anybody know? I need to send in this ticket with a plea.

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