samedi 23 septembre 2017

Bear Mt PLW 9/23

Parked at the Short Swing TH on Rte 74 in Schroon Lake/Eagle Lake and hiked in 1.7ish miles to the unmarked trail on R at the 90 degree hard L on the state trail.This is Pyramid Lake property but isn't posted and a member(who also mentioned someone should go up with a chainsaw and open up the view)I met said all were welcome.The trail is marked with all things black circles of spray paint.The summit is very open woods and grassy meadows but not much of a view unless you poke around for some shots.I continued along the summit ridge and dropped down the very open ridge line towards Crane Pond,this is where the views got really good.At a certain point you need to traverse L for safer travel and believe me you'll know when,the ridge leads down to a rocky point on the N(?) end of the pond where there is good deep swimming.From here I turned around and followed the small stream(seep) thru open woods to Tubmill Marsh leanto and the Short Swing trail.2.4 miles back to the car. Some pics.

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