vendredi 22 septembre 2017

Kibby Pond, WLWF, 22 Sep, 2017

I had a chance to do a solo hike this AM to Kibby Pond in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest. This was my farewell to summer hike as the last few hours of the season ticked away while I was in the woods. Looking back at my photos, I realized it was seven years since I my last visit and it was time to refresh my memories. Today, I had the added quest to seek out some ledges north of the trail that I saw on imagery.

I arrived at the Rt. 8 trailhead reasonably early.

I was the only one there as I shouldered my pack and headed out of the small parking area. The rock hop across Martha Brook to the trail register was a lot easier than the last time I was here when the creek was raging.

The trail was in great shape as it pulled me uphill. Newly applied yellow disks were liberally placed along the route, helping to find the way. Even though the trail climbs ~650', the grade was never too steep.

There was a little bit of blowdown near the top of the climb. In some cases, the trail was rerouted around the blowdown and some cases, you had to figure out a way to climb over it.

Soon enough, it was time to secure my pack straps and put my tray table in the upright and locked position as I began my gradual descent into Kibby Pond. I walked over to the second campsite and thought the view was pretty darn good.

I continued my exploration of the outlet area to get a different perspective of this beautiful pond. It didn't disappoint.

After poking around the lake for a while, I decided to find the ledges. I left the trail at the appointed spot, walked the correct heading and the prescribed distance, but could not find the rock ledge I saw on imagery. There was plenty of steep terrain, but any ledges I saw were covered in thick prickers and moosewood whips.

I did manage to steal a few good looks at the southern shoulder of 11th Mt. through the windows. :D

I zig-zagged back and forth a few times to try and locate the mystery ledge with no joy. I guess it's always good to leave something open to do next time I'm in the area. The walk back down from the hill was fun. The open hardwoods were easy to traverse and navigation was a snap. I shacked my return point by hitting Martha Brook about 20' from the register. So maybe my map and compass work isn't that bad afterall. ;) I'll be back to find those ledges!

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