jeudi 21 septembre 2017

Online Trail register?

Ok, I have mentioned this in two threads but figured it might merit its own discussion and did not wish to hijack other threads.

The recent tragic loss of a hiker mirrors other instances. Two things that might have lead to a happier outcome were if the hiker was better equipped and if the search started sooner. These issues - filing a 'flight plan' for your hike and being equipped for the adverse conditions are well addressed in many threads. I have benefited greatly from reading through many of them.

My question: Would automating some of this have merit?

This is how I see it working, still fuzzy around the edges:
  1. You complete a form similar to the DEC trip Tick shared recently by Justin. But the form is online. You would most likely have to complete it prior to your trip - where you have connectivity to the web.
  2. A polite reminder of minimal gear requirements, similar to what is on DEC trip tick.
  3. No cost to either you or DEC/State
  4. After your expected return time passes you need to close out your trip tick. Similar to Trail Registers (not intended to replace using trail registers). If you fail to do so the system sends a friendly reminder to you via text.
  5. If no response after a suitable time the system sends another reminder to you and the contact(s) you listed. The reminder includes a link - one click and your trip tick is closed.
  6. After three reminders and no response something happens. It could be your contacts are sent instructions on how to get in touch with DEC. It could be that the people behind the system do this on your behalf. Think of what goes on with automated home security alarms. The company calls the authorities with details of the issue after first trying to reach the property owner.
  7. Other than with authorities in an emergency response - No sharing of any information submitted, other than 'aggregate' (ex we've helped this many hikers). Even a delete option to 'leave no trace' of the info you entered. There were some interesting comments about what info about search was shared and what was not. This system would only share with the contacts you listed and authorities.

My motivation with this:
  • I think from what I am reading if the search started sooner for the last missing hiker things may have ended differently - similar to the couple stranded on Algonquin last winter. They had worse weather but better notification about being overdue.
  • I feel a personal debt to this community. I have benefited greatly from shared wisdom. I build web applications as my day job. I work at a University so most of the stuff I do is focused on positive outcomes for people rather than shareholder benefit (nothing wrong with that, just different than what I do).
  • My hiking partner and daughter is looking for a Girl Scout Gold project. She has been talking about introducing young people to Leave No Trace, Hammock Camping, or general outdoors. This project would prove a bit edgier for her, and maybe assist more people. I teach Univ Students how to set things like this up, and she is younger but smarter than some of the students I work with. She would have a great deal of ownership with this project.

My Questions
Where are the holes in my thinking?

Even if you are an experienced hiker, and have your own system in place. Would you try this out? Part of it could be the ability to print your info to leave with the people you usually leave info with.

Do you find this objectionable in any way? Either the app or me soliciting feedback for this non-commercial idea here.

Any ideas on other value added features that would make this attractive to use.

Has this already been done?

Even if most people do not use this it can easily pass the cost versus benefit test. No burden on SAR folks. Hopefully helpful since they can dictate what info they find most useful rather than trying to tease it out of a distressed relative.

I'd welcome any thoughts on this - pro or con


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