lundi 26 février 2018

News on ADK Moose

I recently came across this article from ADK Daily enterprise talking about Moose #'s in the ADK's: http://www.adirondackdailyenterprise...-drops-to-400/

The article made a few statements which I found vague and confusing:
1) There was a 4 year Moose Survey recently completed which estimates that the ADK Moose population at ~400.

Who conducted this survey? Was it the DEC? Was it in partnership with non-government agencies? I did find reference to a joint, multi-year Moose research project on the DEC website ( I assume this is the survey the article is referring to?

2) The current estimate of 400 demonstrates a significant drop from prior estimates of 600-1000.

According to the Daily Enterprise, the revised estimate of 400 Moose is for the ADK's only. But the prior estimates which this new number is being compared to (600-1000, according to earlier DEC literature) was for the entire state of NY.

Also, is this drop in numbers due to a change in Moose numbers, or due to a change in the how the Moose numbers were calculated?

After a recent scan of the DEC's website, I did note there is, in fact, a new estimate for the ADK Moose population (400), but the website did not indicate any "drop" in numbers nor did it provide an estimate for the state's total Moose population.

Please don't misunderstand my intentions here; I'm not criticizing the results of this survey. Rather, I am genuinely interested in learning more about how this survey was conducted, who conducted it, and whether or not the DEC does believe that NY's Moose population has, in fact, dropped. And if it has dropped, why?

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