mercredi 28 février 2018

Old timers: Recalling name "Pough"

The earliest mention of the name "Pough" (for Pough Peak, the hogback between S Dix and Hough) I found was in James R. Burnside's book in which he has a July 1979 entry in his climbing journal in which he mentions Pough. Actually, 1976, following a recent correspondence I had w/ Tony Goodwin, who thinks the name was around years earlier and was pretty popular back then.

I know Pough is not named for someone, but rather a play on words (Hough pronounced "Huff", so Huff n Puff, where Huff = Hough). I'm wondering if folks who've hiked the Dix Range in the 70s or earlier recall the name and if so, when?


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