vendredi 25 mai 2018

Moose, NE Moose and Loch Bonnie

The weekend looked a little sketchy weather-wise so I took yesterday off and climbed Moose, NE Moose and Loch Bonnie above Lake Placid. Could not have been a nicer day: sunshine, not too warm, minimal bugs.
Thank God there is a trail to Moose. The Hurricane-like micro burst area about 2/3s of the way up the Two Brooks trail is shockingly bad. It would take 90 minutes to bushwhack through that section if not for the trail. And even the trail was mired with dozens of large trees blown down across the trail. That part of the Moose Mtn trail looks like Aliens tried to make a crop circle, only they messed up and instead of choosing a cornfield, they chose the thick Adirondack red spruce forest.
So, so horrendously bad.
The top of Moose had amazing views in numerous directions.

Adirondack High Peaks Region bushwhacking exists in two states: awful and less worse.
My buddy Neil had told me that there would be around 20 minutes of thick vegetation. Using the internationally-recognized "Neil Luckhurst Adjustment Scale" (NLAS), I then figured I would have about an hour of thick vegetation. Since Neil is the kind of hard core extreme bushwhacker who refers to Sentinel Mountain as "open woods", you must implement the "NLAS" scale for all Neil advice. Hahahaha
Thus, if Neil says it's a Class 3 bushwhack difficulty, you can expect a 4 or a 5. If Neil describes the whack as "hard", then may God have mercy on your soul, call your local funeral home.
The whack must involve certain doom if even Neil says it's hard. Lol

So I experienced thick Adirondack torment descending Moose into the col between Moose and NE Moose. But then the ascent of NE Moose was nice and open, no issues whatsoever. From NE Moose I b-lined across to Loch Bonnie, and except for 1 or 2 shorts stretches, I had great woods the entire time. I was able to find a peak-out view of Whiteface from Loch Bonnie which was cool.

The descent of Loch Bonnie back to the Shore Owners Association trail was fast, short and easy. From there I cruised down to the Lake Trail and back to my car on Blodgett Road.
Total hike took 8 hours and it could not have been better weather.

Hurricane-Like area on trail to Moose, notice huge clearing where trees all fell

One of seemingly hundreds of blow-down obstructions on trail to Moose

Me at the summit of Moose

Absolutely killer view of Lake Placid from Moose summit

Some of the thick vegetation and cliffs on the bushwhack descent of Moose toward NE Moose

Summit of NE Moose

Summit of Loch Bonnie

Peak-out view of Whiteface from Summit of Loch Bonnie

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