dimanche 20 mai 2018

Nippletop and Dial next weekend?

Hey all,

My dad and I are planning to go up Dial and Nippletop next weekend and are wondering what the conditions there are like, and what you think would be the best route to take.

Anyone been up there recently? How's the snow and mud situation? We read on the DEC website that there's still 1-3 ft of snow higher up so we'll be bringing our micro-spikes and snowshoes.

We were thinking of doing the trip clockwise but read about the steep descent down to Elk Pass --- would it be treacherous or very muddy this time of the year? Would it be a lot harder to do D-N-D instead?

My dad has gone up Algonquin and Wright (when it was icy) and Sawteeth up the scenic trail and didn't think they were too much. How would Nippletop and Dial compare in difficulty?

Thanks for the input.

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