jeudi 31 janvier 2019

lake access rental units

I am looking to get about 11 12 guys together for a bachelor party. Nothing crazy we just want to fish. First plan was to hit some of our local waters in st regis canoe area in april as his wedding is in may. We have a chance of lakes being frozen still and some unseasoned guys who may not like the idea of camping with snow haha. So plan b is to find a cabin or property that can hold us all on a lake so we can ice fish from the property. Doesnt have to be anywhere in specific. we got guys coming from finger lakes and we are in the ADKS. Any info on rentals big enough would be much appreciated.


Suggestions for a quick snowshoe in the LP tomorrow

Tomorrow I'll be bringing and Adirondack rookie into the Lake Placid tomorrow to ski Whiteface this weekend. We're going to roll into town around 12 to 1 and going to go for a quick snowshoe.

Any suggestions? He's never hiked any adk mountains so if there was a really easy peak with good views that would be good. I say easy because I'm not so experienced on snowshoes so I don't want anything with too much scrambling. Maybe a hike in a valley trail in the high peaks would work too if the views were good. I haven't spent a lot of time in the high peaks so I'm not sure where to start.

Would Mt Jo be good? Marcy Dam?

I was also thinking Owen and Copperas pond outside the high peaks.

St. Regis 2 Nighter

After much consideration, along with substantial help from the members of this forum (shout out to DSettahr in particular), we settled on St. Regis Pond for our annual winter Dacks trip from 1.25 – 1.27. We were looking for a pretty lake to camp on with a mountain nearby to climb and St. Regis seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

Quick note on conditions: about 18” of snow had dropped the previous weekend, followed by a good bit of rain and temps up to the low 40s within 24 hrs of our arrival.

We arrived to the Station Road parking lot around 12:30pm on Friday, quickly suited up and headed west down the road that follows the railroad tracks. Initially we had planned on skiing in via Little Clear Pond, but I called the ranger a few days prior and she told us that the snow on the lakes was likely to be deep and crusty. We opted instead for the Fish Pond Truck Trail, using a spur path to connect to the Little Clear / St. Regis carry trail. Both of us were skiing with around 55-60 lbs on our backs. The snow was blowing in our faces and temps were around 18 degrees, but the wind wasn’t too harsh and the atmospherics just added to the sense of adventure. The trail was broken and skiing was easy.

The first part of the Fish Pond Truck Trail was broken as well, but only for the first quarter mile or so. Once we had to break trail, our progress slowed significantly. This continued through the spur trail and the carry trail. The snow was deep and our heavy packs meant we sank down much further than usual. Deadfall was not as much of an issue as we anticipated though, there were only a few times we had to get off trail to avoid an obstacle.

By the time we got to the lake, the snow had stopped. The crust and deep snow we were warned about were also nowhere to be found – I was hoping this might mean for easy travels. We soon encountered another problem entirely – under the first 6” or so of fresh snow was a good few inches of slush. This really slowed us down. We didn’t have far to go though, as we were aiming for the site on the peninsula across from the shelter (it was site 12 if IIRC).

We got to the site soon enough and got to work setting up. The location was quite exposed to the wind, but we figured it was a worthwhile trade off for the views it afforded.

We got set up quickly, as we were running a bit behind schedule. After eating dinner (some freeze dried backpacker meals) and melting some snow, we turned in for the night.

I was a bit worried about the temps for this trip, as I had never camped colder than 10 degrees and I only had a 15 degree bag. I figured I’d sleep with some layers on and I brought a 28 degree bag to use as an extra blanket in a pinch. It got down to 5 degrees that night (at least – that was the temp at 7am the next day) but I was perfectly cozy in the 15 – didn’t even unpack my 28.

Saturday we woke up to cloudy skies, temps around 7 and constant wind, but no falling snow. We had some debate that morning on how best to summit St. Regis Mountain. The original plan had been to bushwhack up to the top directly from the lake – but considering how deep the snow was, we knew that was completely impossible. Another idea was to ski out via the ponds and carry trails to St. Regis Lake, then head up the trail that starts at the bottom of Spectacle Ponds. But that was 4 miles just to the trail head, considering how bad the lake skiing was on the way in, we decided it was also impossible. In the end we opted to shoot for an outcrop at (44.3957, -74.3313) I had spotted on google maps while we were trip planning. We could see it clearly from our campsite and it look like it’d afford a good view. It would only be about 5 miles round trip. You can see it in the pic below, it's the large white rock on the left side.

We opted to snowshoe across the lake, as we figured that was probably more efficient than skiing through slush and meant we wouldn’t have to change footwear halfway through. We started out at 10:30 and headed for the Ocher Pond carry trail. Travel on the lake was easy – a lot of the slush had frozen up overnight, though it was still bad in places. The carry trail was unbroken (of course) and slow going. About half way down the carry trail we turned north and started our bushwhack. I guess I should mention here that a) I have never snowshoed before and, b) that means I have obviously never bushwhacked through 2-3’ of snow. I was not expecting this to be easy, but I had no idea of just how slow it would be. We were both wearing Lightning Ascents which don’t have much float and we were sinking pretty deep into the snow. It was brutal, but fun in its own way. As we worked our way up towards the outcrop we encountered all sorts of obstacles you can’t see on the topo – rock cliffs, giant boulders, and such. It was tricky, but also added to the fun as we had to think carefully about how we'd navigate around them. I'd experienced this bushwhacking before, but the depth of the snow meant that grades which would otherwise be an easy scramble were completely impossible. At this point we were averaging about 0.5 mph. After about ¾ of a mile of bushwhacking, we made it to the base of the hill, where things got steep for real. We pushed up, climbing about 150’ until we reached a bit of level ground. Here we took a pause to assess our situation. It was 1pm and we were still 0.2 mi and 350’ of climbing from the outcrop. It was tantalizingly close, but I knew that 350’ was too much. My buddy was completely gassed and I was pretty exhausted myself (both of us *may* have gotten a bit out of shape in the off season…) We decided to break there and enjoy the view, such as it was. The sun was out and the woods were quite gorgeous.

I really wish we had pushed on though. After getting back home, I checked the sats and realized there was a small bit of exposed rock just 0.1 mi and +150’ from where we stopped. I hadn’t marked it on my map because it was rather small - but it looks like it would have still offered a good view. You can see it here to the left of the big rock outcrop.

After a brief snack break and some phone calls (I was really surprised – but we both got signal for the entire trip, though mine was a bit weak at camp) we headed back downhill. The trek was a little easier this time, though I still managed to fall plenty.

We got back to camp a little after 3, leaving us plenty of time to get some good firewood. It was our last night so we wanted to do it up. A couple skied by our site and chatted for a minute - they were doing the Fish Pond Truck Trail / St. Regis / Little Clear Pond loop. They were the only people we saw over the entire trip. My buddy soon got the fire raging (a lot of work considering how wet the wood was with the recent rain) and I prepped out our dinner of New Mexican Style Pork Adovada, queso fresco, and instant rice.

Fortified with a warm dinner (and some hot cider with whiskey) we headed out onto the pond to do some long exposure photography. At this point it was down to -2, but it wasn’t windy and we were perfectly comfortable. The moon hadn’t risen yet and the sky was almost perfectly clear. It was a beautiful night.

We turned in shortly after that. It was a cold night. I didn’t step out of the tent to get a reading, but the closest weather stations showed a low of -9. At 5:30 I woke up cold, the thermometer in the tent showed 16 degrees. There was a fair amount condensation on my bag - our candle lantern wasn’t working right and neither of us were using vapor barrier liners. I pulled out my 28 degree bag to use as a blanket - that seemed to do the trick and I was soon back to sleep.

We woke up a little late, around 8am, to temps around 20 and a decent snow falling. We packed up quick and headed back the way we came in. The skiing was far better than it was on Friday - almost all the slush had frozen over. Plus, we had already broken trail. Thinking back, I wish we had taken Little Clear Pond back to the car, it was about the same distance and would have been nice change of scenery, and the path should have been broken by the couple that passed us the day before. Oh well. We got back to the car soon enough.

All in all, a great trip. It’s something of a bummer that we didn’t manage to get to a vista on St. Regis, but the bushwhack was lots of fun nonetheless. To be honest, I think I might prefer camping in the deep snow. It might be way harder to get around, but it feels a little bit more “magical” than when the snow is compacted and everything's easy.

Floating Ice Fishing Suits?

Searched site but couldn't find info:
Does anyone have recommendations for or experience with floating ice fishing suits? The older I get, the more help I need.

Kaspersky Lab Wins 2018 CEIA Cybersecurity Category Award

After four months of rigorous appraisal and two rounds of competition, Kaspersky Lab won the Cybersecurity Category Award on Jan. 15 for its leading security solutions and technologies. The award was strictly selected by tens of thousands of readers and professional information supervisors, which reflect the fair recognition of Chinese political and business circles towards Kaspersky Lab.

“Kaspersky Lab, through its Kaspersky Adaptive Security Framework, has been providing holistic end-to-end solutions to beef up the defences of our users --- from threat hunting, to risk mitigation, continuous monitoring, up to incident management,” says Stephan Neumeier, Managing Director at Kaspersky Lab Asia Pacific. “We constantly strive to be one step ahead of cybercriminals to secure companies, governments, and the public. Independent awards like CEIA prove that our efforts are indeed fruitful. It is also a testament of Kaspersky Lab’s transparency and unbiased advocacy to protect the world from cybercrimes. When we say the world, we mean all countries and their citizens. No more, no less.”

CEIA (China Enterprise IT Award) is organized by D1Net, a professional media enterprise network in the domestic government and enterprise market. The award is formerly known as the CCCA (China Cloud Computing Award) and CENA (China Enterprise Networking and Communications Award). It has been successfully held for many years and has become the main reference for government and enterprise CIOs and IT information supervisors to select products. 2018 CEIA Cybersecurity category award includes the following categories: cloud computing, Cybersecurity, big data, data center, smart cities, network, artificial intelligence, enterprise communication and office work.

According to Alvin Cheng, General Manager for Kaspersky Lab Greater China, Kaspersky Lab invests heavily in R&D as a leading cyber security company. That is why more than one third of the company’s employees are R&D specialists developing and maintaining all of our solutions in-house, which is key to providing a holistic approach to security. For more than 20 years, Kaspersky Lab has developed the most rigorous security solutions in the industry for different environments, which are awarded many times and trusted by many users around the world.

Its pride, the HuMachine Intelligence™ approach, is based on behavioral analysis and machine learning algorithms which provides a combination of artificial intelligence and the expertise of the company’s best security teams. It is an advanced solution based on the next-generation technology. Furthermore, Kaspersky Security solutions have flexible adaptive security that can solve problems in any IT environment, support any business process, and provide scalable cyber security risk management.

Kaspersky Lab has been expanding its market footprint in Asia Pacific (APAC), proven by its growing corporate and R&D team based in key locations in the region. The company considers APAC as a key market for its user-based growth as it houses both young, emerging economies as well as matured, developed countries. With the region’s diversified threat landscape, Kaspersky Lab aims to offer a comprehensive security portfolio which will cover security from personal to corporate and even the critical infrastructure industry.

All in all, over 400 million users chose Kaspersky Lab technologies to protect their privacy, digital assets and important data from all kinds of cyber threats. The company also provides security to systems and data processes of more than 270,000 large enterprises, public utilities and smaller enterprises. Nowadays, Kaspersky Lab detects more than 310,000 new malicious files every day.

mercredi 30 janvier 2019

Ziegler and Gardner Spencer Preserves


I recently hiked the trails at these two preserves, which adjoin Lackawanna State Park. Great hike with scenic forests, stone walls, streams, hemlock glens, ledges, meadows and views. The highlight was Tunnel Vision, where the trail goes through a grove of spruce trees, creating a tunnel. The trails are also open to mountain biking.

lundi 28 janvier 2019

Hurricane 01-29 Trip Report

Trip report / trail conditions - January 29 - trail up Hurricane from 9N.

My first time up the new 2014 Hurricane south approach trail (also it has been some time since I posted in the forum....)

Trail suprisingly well-packed out even though it wasn't long after the big dump.

dimanche 27 janvier 2019

Đặc Điểm Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu

Công Ty TigerWood (0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu uy tín chất lượng.
Đặc Tính Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu

Gỗ kháng được mối mọt bởi trong gỗ có nhựa thông có khả năng kháng mối mọt. Và đặc điểm tuyệt vời hơn nữa của gỗ thông là loại nhựa gỗ thông được giữ nguyên trong thân gỗ dù đã qua sản xuất và chế tác với nhiều giai đoạn xử lý hóa học. Đó cũng là ưu việt của gỗ thông đem đến giá trị cao cho gỗ.

Thật ra trong nước ta không hề thiếu những đặc tính gỗ trên, tuy nhiên do nhiều nguyên nhân mà ta cần nhập khẩu, bởi : trình độ gia công và xẻ sấy chưa đạt chuẩn chất lượng nên dẫn tới ta thường sử dụng gỗ thông nhập khẩu từ các nước : newzealand, Thụy Điển, Brazil, Úc. Ngoài ra thì gỗ thông thích hợp những nơi có khí hậu lạnh nơi mà chất lượng của gỗ đạt chỉ tiêu tốt hơn so với nơi khác. Đồng thời thì Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu lại mang đến sức hút cho người tiêu dùng bởi vân gỗ đẹp mắt.

Để biết thêm thông tin Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu xin liên hệ 0907.665.335 hoặc xem thêm tại :" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" allowfullscreen="true">

Đặc Tính Gỗ Sồi Mỹ

Công ty Tigerwood(0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Mỹ uy tín chất lượng giá cả ưu đãi.
Gỗ sồi Mỹ có khối lượng trung bình khoảng 753kg/m3, độ cứng 6583N, dát gỗ màu trắng nâu đến nhạt, tâm gỗ màu đỏ hồng.

Đặc Tính Vật Lý
Gỗ Sồi Mỹ cứng và năng và khả năng chịu lực xoắn và độ chắc trung bình và chịu lực nén cao, đặc biệt dễ uống cong bằng hơi nước. khi đưa vào sử dụng thì nên để GỖ ở độ ẩm dưới 20%, vì ở dưới mức nay thì gỗ sẽ kháng nấm mốc gây hại cho gỗ.
Ở trong lĩnh vực nội thất trong nhà ở thì với xu hướng hiện nay, Gỗ sồi Mỹ đang được sử dụng rộng rãi để đóng các sản phẩm nội thất để trong nhà, sản xuất ra dụng cụ gia đình & trong ngành công nghiệp. Gỗ sồi thường được các công ty nội thất sử dụng để làm cửa gỗ rất đẹp, chúng có thể dùng làm ván lót sàn, tủ bếp, gỗ trạm kiến trúc, gỗ trạm ngoại thất, gỗ trang trí, ván lót ngoài trời, tà vẹt đường sắt, cầu gỗ, ván đóng thùng, và hộp đựng nữ trang, tay vịn cầu thang gỗ…
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Bait Shop Suggestion


Wondering, is there a bait shop in Wanakena that's open in these winter months? Or on drive up from western ny?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

samedi 26 janvier 2019

Stillwater Resorvoir Tips for Best Checkin Days & Times

Looking for some tips for best checkin days and times for Stillwater Resorvoir during the peak season of July - September to get a decent site. Anyone out there who might be a Stillwater regular over the years and willing to help me out? If you're the type that doesn't like to put out this kind of info or tips on public forums, but still willing to private message me, I would be very greatful! I've never been up there before but it looks like a really nice quiet place that caught my attention last year while up on seventh lake last year.

Typically we like to do 3 night stays either thur - sun or sat - tues. With this place first come first serve, I fear we get all the way up there (3hr drive) and not have a site available when we get there. Any help and tips are greatly appreciated.

Bonus - What is and isn't a "decent" site here???

- Ken

Ưu Điểm Gỗ Dẻ Gai

Công Ty TigerWood (0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Dẻ Gai uy tín chất lượng.

Gỗ Dẻ Gai ngày nay được sử dụng khá phổ biến trên thị trường và đang được nhiều người ưa chuộng hơn. Gỗ Dẻ Gai có sự khác biệt về đặt điểm so với một số loại gỗ hiện nay. Đây là dòng gỗ cứng, và chắc vượt trội với dát, gỗ màu trắng nhạt, tâm của gỗ màu nâu, vân gỗ thô đều, dòng gỗ này mang với mầu hơi sẫm mang đến một cảm giác thư thái ấm áp cho ngôi nhà của bạn
Đặc điểm / đặc tính gỗ:
– Tỷ trọng gỗ: gỗ được sấy khô 10-12% có trọng lượng khoảng 720-750 kg/m3.
– Vân gỗ thẳng, khít đều. Vỏ cây gỗ dẻ gai nhẵn và màu xanh
– Gỗ không có mùi và vị.
– Chịu lực tốt và dễ uốn bằng hơi nước, rất dễ thi công và tạo hình, tạo kiểu.
– Chất gỗ lành tính, an toàn cho sản xuất và cho sử dụng làm nội thất.
Để biết thêm thông tin Gỗ Dẻ Gai xin liên hệ 0907.665.335" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" allowfullscreen="true">

vendredi 25 janvier 2019

Giá Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu

Công ty TigerWood(0907.665.335) là nhà cung cấp Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu uy tín chất lượng giá cả hợp lý.

Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu đang là một cái tên hot trên thị trường gỗ được sử dụng khá phổ biến bởi tính chất gỗ thông tốt mà giá thành cũng không phải là quá cao, Giá Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu thông thường có giá từ 240 – 270 Đôla/m3.
Một điều quan trọng khi bạn đi tìm nhà cung cấp Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu là bạn mua gỗ của nhà phân phối gốc hay là bạn mua của nhà trung gian mua đi bán lại giá cũng có thể bị chênh lệch giữa hai nhà cung cấp nhưng chất lượng của gỗ thì như nhau. Bởi giá của nhà cung cấp trung gian bảo giờ củng cao hơn giá của nhà cung cấp chính. Do đó bạn tìm được nhà cung cấp gỗ gốc cũng là điều rất quan trọng.
TigerWood là nhà cung cấp có uy tín hàng đầu trên thị trường Gỗ hiện nay và được nhiều khách hàng tin cậy. Bạn hãy để chúng tôi giúp bạn nếu bạn gặp khó khăn khi tìm kiếm nhà cung cấp gỗ gốc nhé.
Để biết thêm thông tin Giá Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu xin liên hệ 0907.665.335

Something in common: two notorious Russian speaking hacking groups found sharing infrastructure

Kaspersky Lab experts have identified an overlap in cyberattacks between two infamous threat actors, GreyEnergy – which is believed to be a successor of BlackEnergy – and the Sofacy cyberespionage group. Both actors used the same servers at the same time, with, however, a different purpose.

BlackEnergy and Sofacy hacking groups are considered to be two of the major actors in the modern cyberthreat landscape. In the past, their activities often led to devastating national level consequences. BlackEnergy inflicted one of the most notorious cyberattacks in history with their actions against Ukrainian energy facilities in 2015, which led to power outages. Meanwhile, Sofacy group caused havoc with multiple attacks against US and European governmental organisations, along with national security and intelligence agencies. It had previously been suspected that there was a connection between the two groups, but has not been proven until now, after GreyEnergy – BlackEnergy’s successor – was found to be using malware to attack industrial and critical infrastructure targets mainly in Ukraine, and demonstrated some strong architectural similarities with BlackEnergy.

Kaspersky Lab’s ICS CERT department, responsible for industrial systems threats research and elimination, found two servers hosted in Ukraine and Sweden, which were used by both threat actors at the same time in June 2018. GreyEnergy group used servers in their phishing campaign to store a malicious file. This file was downloaded by users as they opened a text document attached to a phishing e-mail. At the same time, Sofacy used the server as a command and control centre for their own malware. As both groups used the servers for a relatively short time, such a coincidence suggests a shared infrastructure. This was confirmed by the fact that both threat actors were observed to target one company a week after each other with spear phishing emails. What’s more, both groups used similar phishing documents under the guise of e-mails from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“The compromised infrastructure found to be shared by these two threat actors potentially points to the fact that the pair not only have the Russian language in common, but that they also cooperate with each other. It also provides an idea of their joint capabilities and creates better picture of their plausible goals and potential targets. These findings add another important piece into public knowledge about GreyEnergy and Sofacy. The more the industry knows about their tactics, techniques and procedures, the better security experts can do their job in protecting customers from sophisticated attacks,” said Maria Garnaeva, security researcher at Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT.

To protect businesses from attacks from such groups, Kaspersky Lab suggests customers to:

• Provide dedicated cybersecurity training for employees, educate them to always check the link address and the sender’s email before clicking anything.
• Introduce security awareness initiatives, including gamified training with skills assessments and reinforcement through the repetition of simulated phishing attacks.
• Automate operating systems, application software and security solutions updates on systems that are part of the IT, as well as enterprise’s industrial, network.
• Deploy a dedicated protection solution, empowered with behavioural-based anti-phishing technologies, as well as anti-targeted attack technologies and threat intelligence, such as the Kaspersky Threat Management and Defense solution. These are capable of spotting and catching advanced targeted attacks by analyzing network anomalies and giving cybersecurity teams full visibility over the network and response automation.

jeudi 24 janvier 2019

Ưu Điểm Của Ván Sàn Làm Từ Gỗ Sồi Nga

Công ty TigerWood(0907.665.335) là nhà cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Nga tin cậy hàng đầu trên thị trường Gỗ.
4 Ưu Điểm tuyệt vời Gỗ Sồi Nga Mà các bạn chưa biết

Sàn Nga - ưu điểm của sàn gỗ sồi Nga
Sàn Gỗ Sồi có kết cầu hình núi tự nhiên lớp bề mặt tạo cảm giác tốt và có thể được xử lý thành nhiều dạng cong khác nhau, đẹp và trang trí phù hợp với ngôi nhà

2 Gỗ Sồi không chứa các chất có hại cho cơ thể con người, và nó có thể hấp thụ tia cực tím tốt, giảm mệt mỏi thị giác và có hiệu suất môi trường cao.

3: loại gỗ có kết cấu sàn gỗ sồi chắc chắn và mịn, độ bền cao, chống mài mòn, hiệu suất chống thấm nước và nén, và đặc biệt có tuổi thọ khá dài.

4: Sàn gỗ sồi có các đặc tính giữ nhiệt, cách âm, cách nhiệt, v.v. và sàn gỗ sồi có ưu điểm là mùa đông ấm áp và mùa hè mát mẻ, đáp ứng nhu cầu tâm lý của các gia đình hiện đại để theo đuổi sự thoải mái và tận hưởng cuộc sống.

Để Biết thêm thông tin Gỗ Sồi Nga xin liên hệ 0907.665.335" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" allowfullscreen="true">

Where have all the flyfishers gone?

Anybody home??
Is it just a lull in the action and pretty dismal time of year for us or did you all pack up and leave?

I literally have been doing nothing even close to fly tying or fly fishing for that matter. Been doing wood projects and building a few ice jigging rods and other projects around the house.I did go snowshoeing on tuesday,for the first time this winter,but no interesting stories or photos to post.Hope some of you stuck around to post something soon.Almost ready to start filling my fly boxes for spring after the jigging rods are done.So, if any of you are left ,I would love to hear from you or see some of your feathered creations and/or projects. When the jigging rods are done,Ill post a few photos of them(I know ,not that exciting...). Well, hope to hear from ya soon!


mercredi 23 janvier 2019

any good books about the Adirondacks?

just read 2 books
at the mercy of the mountains
and Adirondacks a history of Americas first wilderness
didn't really care for the writing of either one,
don't think either author spent much time in the Adirondacks,
am now looking for more books about the Adirondacks,, preferably from a writer with a connection to the mountains
any recommendations is appreciated.

Peacock Wilderness

Arm yourself with friendship and love the earth.

mardi 22 janvier 2019

Two Sawtooth winter bushwhacks to close out the Range for my friend Jean.

The Sawtooth Range is not all that well known. It was named after the two highest peaks that are side by side. Marshall named them Raker and Cutter for their resemblance to the types of saw teeth. We were interested in Sawtooths 7 and 8, which are higher than 4 and 5. This confusion stems from two different lists,which each use different col depths for inclusion criteria. Just to make it even more confusing ST’s 7 and 8 may also be called Sawtooth 1E and NE.

We (Jean, Marie-Josée AKA Oliver and Spike) parked at Averyville on a nippy morning and got a late start. I was still sick but much better than I had been for the 2 previous weeks during which I lay around the house losing fitness. We broke trail easily along the Pine Pond Road, across the beaver swamp and 800 feet up an old logging road that ends in a pile of rubbish that was once a camp. At this point the beauty surrounding us was overwhelming. Skies were blue and the very open woods were covered in snow. Every tiny hardwood branch was coated in white. We followed a sinuous route staying in open channels with easy trail breaking all the way to the foot of Saw-8’s summit cone.

I knew from past experience that 500-foot cone would slow us down,which it did. Swapping leads often it took us 55 minutes to go .25 miles. Now sweaty we didn'’t linger on top in the cold. I had done our route over 8 to 7 3 times previously (11 years ago in winter and two trips back to back in early summer. I thought I had the route hard-wired and only remembered open woods and easy travel. This was not to be. The plan was to descend 500 feet and traverse under the 8-7 ridge-line with its horrendous cripple-bush. It took us nearly an hour to descend and travel .15 miles. No one was having fun and I was feeling under the weather, with a sore throat and a burning in my chest. I was dreading the out and back and was more than happy with the group decision to turn around. It was 2:30-ish anyway.

The re-climb went quickly in our tracks and the return over the ridge back to the logging road was another dose of nirvana for us all. We got back to the car at 5, just before needing headlamps. It was above zero – just.

Fast forward seven days minus one hour and in colder temperatures we (Jean, Marie-Josée, Nathalie and myself) quickly tramped our way up to the end of the logging road. Following our hardened trail up ST-8 was easy. I was feeling much better and was at 90% of my force. We had learned from our previous experience and I had racked my brain all week trying to remember back through the years to my previous trips. So, 150 feet from 8 we split off from our track and followed a bearing down through open woods. We intersected the previous track and followed it for a short spell before deviating to its left down, down until we hit very open woods. Then, guided by my GPS, we paralleled the older track at this lower elevation and side-hilled our way into the 8-7 col. Easy-peasy, although the snow was deep and not very supportive.

From the col to 7 we had .58 miles to go and several hundreds of feet to ascend. This took us about 90 minutes of hard work climbing in deep snow intermixed with easier snow conditions and gentle slopes.

Once on top we didn’t stay long to celebrate Jean'’s closing out the 11 Sawtooths and while I waited briefly for the others I paced back and forth to keep warm. The return trip went quickly although the re-climb of 7 was a lot tougher than I expected. Then it was down, down, down to the Pine Pond Road with its 250 foot climb over Sugar Hill. Back at the car (total time 8h15m compared to 7h30m last week) we all froze the hell out of our hands getting out of our hiking gear and clothes. Then we drove home uneventfully eating Miss Vickey’s chips in light snow and increasing winds.

Good people, good times, good mountains. What a wonderful hobby.

lundi 21 janvier 2019

Hawkeye Trail, Flagstone Gorge, Rock Run-Loyalsock SF


A 6-7 mile loop on the Hawkeye Trail to the scenic, rugged Flagstone Gorge, North Branch Rock Run, and the gorgeous Chasms of Rock Run.

Shingle Cabin Branch Falls-Ricketts Glen


We did a loop in the park to an off trail view, and down the gorge of Shingle Cabin Branch with cascades, big hemlocks, and a 35 foot falls.

Choco Mia beli di Malaysia 2019, ulasan, harga

Ramai orang bertanya tentang keberkesanan ChocoMia Mereka tidak boleh percaya bahawa anda boleh kehilangan berat badan dalam satu bulan sahaja. Ini difahami. Orang ramai sangat ragu-ragu mengenai jenis produk ini. Pelakunya terbesar adalah tiruan murah yang dijual oleh penipu, yang bukan hanya tidak berfungsi, tetapi di atas semua membahayakan. Keselamatan dan kecekapan tinggi chocomia disahkan oleh banyak pendapat pengguna.

Choco Mia beli, ulasan, harga

Hanya beberapa bulan yang lalu, Puan Marta mengimbangi lebih daripada 80 kg, yang pada ketinggian 160 cm bermakna tahap pertama obesiti. Kerja baru, banyak tugas di rumah dan dua kanak-kanak kecil membuat wanita kehilangan kawalan ke atas apa yang dia makan. Dia tidak mempunyai masa untuk kelas kecergasan sama ada. Dia mula melayari forum Internet untuk mencari penyelesaian apabila dia melihat tinjauan ChocoMia. Tidak sepenuhnya yakin, dia memutuskan untuk mencuba. Selepas beberapa hari dia melihat kesan pertama. Ini menggalakkan penggunaan berterusannya. Hari ini, Puan Marta adalah seorang wanita langsing di bunga abad ini. Terima kasih kepada chocomia kehilangan 17 kg!

ChocoMia-forum, ulasan, malaysia
Encik Adam, sebaliknya, mencuba produk itu bersama isterinya. Mereka berdua ingin kehilangan beberapa kilo kerana mereka bermimpi untuk mendaki Kilimanjaro. Pada masa mudanya mereka berjalan banyak di pergunungan dan memanjat banyak puncak. Walau bagaimanapun, dengan umur, kilogram tambahan muncul dan mereka telah meletakkan salib di Afrika. Terima kasih kepada chocomia, kedua-duanya merosot sebanyak 35 kg! Dan tanah hitam sekali lagi dicapai.

Obesiti Dagmara telah terjejas oleh perceraian. Wanita itu mula makan makanan ringan yang tidak sihat pada waktu petang, cuba memperbaiki moodnya. Ini membawa kepada peningkatan berat badan yang sangat pesat dan sebagai akibatnya, Puan Dagmara beratnya 20 kg dalam beberapa bulan! Dengan obesiti memulakan masalah dengan keletihan yang cepat, mengantuk, dia berada di ambang kemurungan.Seorang kawan menasihatkannya untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan choco mia.Tanpa bersemangat, wanita itu memutuskan untuk mencuba. Pada ketika ini dia menjalani rawatan selama sebulan dan tidak boleh mempercayai matanya sendiri. Minus 14 kg, dan itu bukan penghujungnya. Bertepuk tangan!

Kesan sampingan choco mia
Kebanyakan suplemen boleh mempunyai beberapa kesan sampingan. Ini adalah perkara individu. Sesetengah orang bertindak balas secara negatif selepas menggunakan persediaan yang berbeza, sementara yang lain tidak menunjukkan ReActions yang tidak diingini. choco mia.adalah produk yang selamat dan pelbagai kajian telah mengesahkan keselamatannya. Formula ini berasaskan semata-mata pada bahan-bahan semulajadi, yang dapat diasumsikan dengan sempurna oleh tubuh, jadi anda tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk kesannya.
chocomia terdiri daripada:

Koko – yang dipanggil oleh pakar pemakanan “makanan tuhan”, kaya dengan Antioxidants, mempercepat pembakaran lemak dan memberi koktel rasa yang sangat baik;
Dedak – sumber serat makanan, mempunyai kesan yang baik terhadap fungsi usus dan menjaga rasa kenyang lebih lama;
Soba – menghapuskan sembelit, adalah elemen penting dalam memerangi kelebihan berat badan dan obesiti;
Alga Spirulina – menghilangkan toksin dari badan, menurunkan paras kolesterol dan mempercepatkan Weight Loss;
Kacang polong – merangsang dan meningkatkan fungsi usus, dan ia tepu, mudah dicerna dan mengandungi sedikit kalori;
Padi perang – sumber serat, menyumbang kepada kehilangan berat badan.
Kaya dengan bahan-bahan semulajadi, formula menjadikan choco mia minuman yang sangat berkesan dan selamat. Ramai orang di seluruh dunia telah mengetahui tentangnya. Ia adalah satu-satunya produk yang boleh didapati di pasaran.

Kesan ChocoMia
Salah satu kelebihan terbesar choco mia ialah anda tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk kesannya. Kilo pertama akan mula hilang setelah hanya beberapa aplikasi. Dengan kehilangan mereka, kami akan merasa lebih ringan dan penuh tenaga. Cobaan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang manis akan berlalu, dan suasana hati kita akan menjadi lebih baik. Satu rawatan membolehkan anda kehilangan walaupun beberapa kilogram! Ia kedengaran luar biasa, tetapi ia adalah fakta.

ChocoMia harus diminum setiap pagi dan bukan sarapan. Terima kasih kepada serat yang tinggi, kami akan merasa puas selama beberapa jam akan datang. Di samping itu, kita akan melihat bahawa keinginan untuk makan sesuatu yang manis kurang. Ini disebabkan oleh indeks glisemik rendah, yang tidak menyebabkan peningkatan kadar glukosa darah secara tiba-tiba – punca utama.Bahan-bahan choco mia adalah semulajadi dan mudah diserap oleh badan, jadi ia boleh digunakan oleh orang-orang dari semua peringkat umur. Produk itu menghilangkan punca berat badan berlebihan dan menyokong pencernaan. Akibatnya, kita cepat menyingkirkan berat badan berlebihan dan berasa lebih baik.

Harga ChocoMia
Ramai orang percaya bahawa adalah mustahil untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan hanya makanan tambahan. Nah, dengan choco mia anda boleh melakukannya dengan cepat! Lebih-lebih lagi, harga produk sangat rendah berbanding dengan spesifikasi lain yang serupa.Ini bermakna bahawa menggunakan koktail coklat lazat ini bukan sahaja menjimatkan masa tetapi juga wang.

Di samping itu, pengeluar telah menyediakan tawaran yang sangat menarik untuk semua pelanggan yang berminat. Produk ini boleh dibeli hanya untuk 129 PLN, yang mencukupi untuk satu bulan rawatan. Ini adalah sebanyak 50% diskaun! Walau bagaimanapun, anda perlu tergesa-gesa, kerana tawaran itu terhad dalam masa. Ambil kesempatan daripada itu dan ketahui bahawa pelangsingan tidak pernah begitu mudah.

ChocoMia di mana hendak beli? Allegro, farmasi atau kedai
Alat pelangsing boleh didapati di mana-mana sahaja. Mereka dijual di kedai-kedai herba, farmasi dan melalui perkhidmatan lelong seperti allegro. choco mia hanya boleh dibeli melalui laman web pengeluar. Hanya dengan itu kita boleh yakin bahawa kita akan mendapat produk asal. Faktor lain adalah mengawal jualan dan harga yang rendah. Farmasi adalah salah satu tempat yang paling dipercayai untuk membeli ubat-ubatan dan makanan tambahan. Walau bagaimanapun, menjual melalui itu akan melibatkan kos yang lebih tinggi untuk produk tersebut, yang akan ditanggung oleh pelanggan. Satu-satunya sumber yang boleh dipercayai adalah kedai dalam talian pengeluar ChocoMia.

Anda juga harus berhati-hati apabila membeli makanan tambahan yang serupa melalui perkhidmatan lelongan. Mereka sering menjual produk asal tidak diketahui, komposisi yang mungkin berbahaya kepada kesihatan. Mereka menggunakan jenama choco mia untuk menjual produk palsu pada harga yang sangat rendah. Mari jangan tertipu! Hanya laman web rasmi pengeluar yang menawarkan penjualan produk asal. Jadi tidak perlu menunggu!

Ringkasan ChocoMia
Berjuang berat badan tidak semestinya bererti banyak masa yang dihabiskan di gim atau kelas kecergasan dan mengikuti diet yang drastik. Teknologi moden dan kesedaran yang semakin meningkat saintis telah memungkinkan untuk mencipta produk yang bukan sahaja lazat, tetapi juga membolehkan menurunkan berat badan dalam masa rekod. choco mia.adalah pemimpin yang pasti di pasaran suplemen yang menyokong pelangsingan badan. Cubalah hari ini dan lihat sendiri bagaimana berkesannya “kulit anda sendiri”.

High Peaks Warning

DEC Advises Backcountry Downhill Skiers, Snowboarders, and Others of Avalanche Risk in Adirondack High Peaks Region

Backcountry downhill skiers, snowboarders, and others who may traverse slides and other steep open terrain in the High Peaks Region of the Adirondacks must be aware of the risk of avalanche, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos advised today.
"Due to current snow depths and conditions, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, and the abundant amount of snow forecasted for this weekend, DEC expects an increase in the number of recreational enthusiasts visiting the High Peaks to snowshoe, cross country ski, or simply enjoy the pristine surroundings," Commissioner Seggos said. "We are cautioning anyone planning to head to avalanche-prone terrain in the Adirondack High Peaks to be extremely careful and be prepared for avalanche conditions."

Snow depths in the High Peaks' high elevation slopes range from two to five feet and an additional foot or more of snow is expected this weekend. The new snow will fall on the current snow pack, which already has distinct layers formed by rain and melt/freeze cycles. Due to high winds, snows depths are deeper on leeward slopes or areas of snow deposits, such as gullies. Lower snow layers may be reactive to the added stresses of the recent snows, creating conditions conducive to avalanches.

Avalanches can occur in any situation where snow, slope, and weather combine to create the proper conditions. While much of the steep open terrain is found in the High Peaks Region of the Adirondacks, avalanche-prone terrain is found on mountains throughout the Adirondacks, including Snowy Mountain in Hamilton County.

Avalanche danger increases during and immediately after major snowfalls and during thaws. The forecast for this weekend is for mostly sunny and partly sunny skies with temperatures above freezing. While this weather is appealing to outdoor enthusiasts, it also increases the danger of avalanches.

The majority of avalanches in the United States occur in the western mountains. However, avalanches do occur in the northeast and can have dire consequences. Last year, Vermont State Police, multiple volunteer search and rescue groups, and resort ski patrols received dozens of calls for assistance resulting in more than 30 skiers and snowboarders requiring rescue. In February 2018, a skier on Wright Peak was trapped in waist-deep snow. He escaped uninjured with the assistance of his companions. This is the same peak where one person was killed and five people were injured in an avalanche while skiing in February 2000.

DEC reminds back country winter recreationists to take the following precautions when traveling in avalanche-prone terrain:
•Cross-country skiers and snowshoers should stay on trails and avoid steep slopes on summits;
•Know the terrain, weather, and snow conditions;
•Dig multiple snow pits to conduct stability tests - do not rely on other people's data;
•Practice safe route finding and safe travel techniques;
•Never ski, board, or climb with someone above or below you - only one person on the slope at a time;
•Ski and ride near trees - not in the center of slides or other open areas;
•Always carry shovel, probes, and transceiver with fresh batteries;
•Ensure all members of the group know avalanche rescue techniques;
•Never travel alone; and
•Notify someone about where you are going.

Additional information on avalanche danger, preparedness, and safety precautions is available on the DEC web site.

Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu

Công Ty Tigerwood(0907.665.335) chia sẽ kinh nghiệm Sàn nhà làm bằng Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu có gì tốt không?
Có thể nói, hiện nay gỗ thông đang chiếm kĩnh hầu hết thị trường cho các dòng sản phẩm nội thất bằng gỗ. Vậy, dòng sản phẩm sàn gỗ thông đang tạo nên cơn sốt hiện nay bởi kiểu dáng trang nhã, chất lượng hoàn mỹ. Tuy nhiên, một số khách hàng vẫn còn khá nhiều nghi vấn về dòng sản phẩm chất lượng này. Vì thế, chúng tôi – Công Ty TNHH Tigerwood tự hào là nhà cung cấp gỗ hàng đầu hiện nay sẽ giúp bạn giải đáp thắc mắc: “Sàn nhà làm bằng gỗ thông có gì tốt không?”.

Trước hết xem xét về mặt thẩm mỹ: sàn gỗ làm bằng gỗ thông mang lại nét đẹp trang nhã cho không gian của bạn, không chỉ vậy mùi thơm thoang thoảng từ gỗ thông sẽ góp phần giúp bạn cảm thấy thoải mái sau thời gian làm việc mệt mỏi.
Về mặt chất lượng: được mệnh danh là một trong những loại gỗ có độ bền cao nhất, vì thế hiển nhiên sàn gỗ làm bằng gỗ thông sẽ rất bền và có khả năng miễn nhiễm cao với các tác động xấu từ môi trường xung quanh như: mối mọt, ẩm ướt, các sản phẩm tẩy rửa,…
Về mặt phong thủy: sàn gỗ thông có khá nhiều màu để lựa chọn, vì thế bạn có thể sử dụng mẹo phong thủy để chọn màu sao cho phù hợp với mệnh của mình để mang lại may mắn.
Về cách trang trí: sàn gỗ thông phù hợp với hầu hết mọi không gian từ nhà bếp, phòng ngủ cho đến phòng khách, phòng ăn.
Chỉ thông qua một số tiêu chí đánh giá như vậy, có thể thấy sàn gỗ thông là một sản phẩm nội thất hoàn mỹ. Tuy nhiên, trên thị trường hiện nay chỉ một số nhà cung cấp có khả năng thi công dòng sản phẩm này và chúng tôi – Công Ty TNHH Tigerwood là một trong những doanh nghiệp ấy, bởi chúng tôi có uy tín lâu năm trong lĩnh vực cung ứng gỗ và luôn nhận được sự tín nhiệm tuyệt đối từ các đối tác và khách hàng.
Hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để biết thêm thông tin về Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu
Công Ty TNHH Tigerwood
Đ/c: 661 Khu Oasis II, Đường D33, KDC Việt Sing, Thuận An, Bình Dương
Sđt: 0907665335
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samedi 19 janvier 2019

Face-off In Chestertown

A Barred Owl was stalking our bird feeder when a red squirrel decided to check him out. When the owl turned his head and looked at the squirrel as to say
" Are you fu!@#$5ing kidding me !!! The Squirrel jumped about 15 feet to safety.
You got to Love living in the woods!!!

Attached Images
File Type: jpg owl2.JPG (53.1 KB)

vendredi 18 janvier 2019

Kaspersky may have helped U.S. catch alleged NSA data thief

The computer security firm Kaspersky Labs helped the US NSA spy agency uncover one of its worst-ever security breaches – one year before the US banned the company’s products for government use, US media has reported.

Politico and the Washington Post said the Moscow-based maker of anti-malware products told the National Security Agency that one of its contractors, Harold Martin, had contacted it via cryptic messages on Twitter.

The messages arrived at Kaspersky shortly before unknown hackers known as the “Shadow Brokers” made available on the Internet an assembly of advanced hacking tools that the ultra-secret signals intelligence body used to spy on the communications and computers of foreign governments and officials.

After the Shadow Brokers release, Kaspersky researchers thought there was a connection with Martin’s messages and reached out with the information to the NSA.

Weeks later, in August 2016, federal agents arrested the contractor, Harold Martin, discovering that he had stockpiled in his home a massive amount of sensitive NSA data, computer code and programs – some 50 terabytes worth – over two decades.

It was considered the largest-ever breach of classified data in US history.

According to the reports, the Twitter messages were used to justify the warrant issued to investigators to search Martin’s home.

The Kaspersky assistance “indicates that the government’s own internal monitoring systems and investigators had little to do with catching Martin”, Politico wrote, citing two unnamed sources familiar with the Martin investigation.

But within months, the NSA decided that Kaspersky itself could have been instrumental in another leak of its hacking tools, and in September 2017 officially banned the use of Kaspersky software from computers involved in any government operations.

US intelligence officials – including then-NSA chief Michael Rogers – suggested Kaspersky had intimate ties to Russian intelligence.

“The risk that the Russian government, whether acting on its own or in collaboration with Kaspersky, could capitalise on access provided by Kaspersky products to compromise federal information and information systems directly implicates US national security,” acting secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke said at the time.

Kaspersky strenuously denied the allegation. But it took a heavy toll on Kaspersky’s two-decade-old business that saw its antivirus software installed on hundreds of millions of computers around the world.

Both the NSA and Kaspersky declined to comment, with the NSA citing the ongoing litigation regarding Martin.

Martin has been charged with theft of and illegal retention of classified data in his Maryland home.

But he has not been charged with leaking the materials to the Shadow Brokers or any others. – AFP

Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu

Công ty TigerWood(0907.665.335) là nhà cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu tin cậy hàng đầu trên thị trường Gỗ.

Đặc điểm của đồ nội thất gỗ sồi trắng Bắc Mỹ:

1) Nó có một hạt gỗ hình núi tương đối đặc biệt, và bề mặt cảm ứng có kết cấu tốt.
2) Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu có kết cấu chắc chắn, thành phẩm có cấu trúc chắc chắn và tuổi thọ dài
3) Là loại gỗ cao cấp, thích hợp để làm đồ nội thất gỗ cao cấp;
4) Chất lượng gỗ tốt, sự quý giá của nó tương đương với đồ gỗ gụ;
5) Chế biến gỗ là khó khăn, và sản xuất đồ gỗ nguyên chất rắn sử dụng gỗ sồi làm nguyên liệu chính có khả năng sản xuất và chế biến mạnh mẽ và yêu cầu kỹ thuật.
6) Trên thực tế, hiện nay, trong số các vật liệu nội thất, gỗ sồi đỏ được sử dụng nhiều hơn và gỗ sồi trắng không phổ biến hơn trên thị trường đồ gỗ nguyên chất nguyên chất với gỗ sồi trắng làm nguyên liệu chính vì giá cao hơn. Điều này đã làm tăng giá trị bộ sưu tập của đồ nội thất gỗ sồi trắng ở một mức độ nhất định.
Để Biết thêm thông tin Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu xin liên hệ 0907.665.335" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" allowfullscreen="true">

mercredi 16 janvier 2019

Choose Macbook to use 3Dmax?

Currently I am a student so I need to buy a macbook to use 3Dmax graphics. Every counselor helps me choose which one?
Thanks so much!

Square Falls, SPWA, 16 Jan, 2019

For our first ADK hike of 2019, Tredhed and I decided to revisit Square Falls on the East Branch of the Sacandaga River in the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area. We last visited this neat destination way back in the late summer of 2013,

We weren't really sure what the snow conditions would be like this morning, so we slapped on the snowshoes after we arrived on the Rt. 8 parking area. A loose granular base under a couple inches of powder were perfect for an enjoyable one mile snowshoe hike to this great destination.

A few flurries greeted us as we turned onto the unmarked path. (Actually, a driveway to a nice car camping site about 100 yds from the large parking area).

Just past the car camping site, the path narrows as it drops down to cross Martha Brook.

Once across Martha Brook, we entered the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area and climbed slightly along the banks of the East Branch of the Sacandaga River.

Navigation was fairly easy as all we had to do was follow the coyote tracks down the middle of the path.

Within a few minutes, we arrived at the cable crossing site. Both cables were still attached, but we decided not to test their tensile strength on this occasion.

The path changed its character once we got past the cable crossing. It undulated over uneven terrain, past ledges, ice falls and large erratics.

After several short, but steep pitches, we were walking on the top of the gorge. The East Branch tumbled through the rocks and ice some 70 feet below us. I thought the pea soup green color of the ice was interesting.

A steep downhill over sketchy snow/ice conditions brought us close to the river in a beautiful hemlock grove.

A hundred yards later, we passed a very secluded designated campsite complete with moose tracks. :clap:

Just past the campsite, we came to the falls. While they were iced over, they did provide a great place to enjoy some hot chocolate as we took in some nice views of the river.

When it was time to head back, I decided to take off my snowshoes and put on micro-spikes. The short, steep sections of the path were a lot easier for me in spikes today. Tredhed kept his snowshoes on and didn't have any problems.

Soon enough, we recrossed Martha Brook and made it back to the Tredhead mobile. A quick stop at George Henry's in Warrensburg for a pint of Fiddlehead was a good reward for a short, but enjoyable day in the woods.

mardi 15 janvier 2019

Winter Bushwhack up St. Regis Mt.

I've always been annoyed that there isn't a trail to the summit of St. Regis Mt. from St. Regis Pond or any of the other ponds south of the peak. I'm sure there are perfectly logical reasons for this, but it seems sort of ridiculous that if you're camping on St. Regis Pond with beautiful views of summit, you have to head back to the Lake and paddle past all the houses on the shoreline to access the trailhead. Sort of ruins the magic, right?

With that in mind, I was exploring the possibility of bushwhacking to the summit directly from our camp on St. Regis Pond in a few weeks. I checked out the satellite imagery and I've charted a path that avoids the swamps, spruce groves, and keeps the incline reasonable. I was wondering if anyone has done such a bushwhack (especially in winter) and if they had any good info.

A bit of background to minimize the finger wagging: we are experienced hikers. I've done a ton of bushwhacking (I tend to prefer it to hiking). We'll have GPS devices, paper maps, and compasses, all in duplicate, along with a DeLorme. We'll have plenty of warm gear and all the proper first aid equipment, along with headlamps and back up lithium batteries. We also realize that things might end up tougher than expected and we'll have to turn around before getting to the summit to insure that we make it safely back to camp before dark. It's a call I've made plenty of times before (discretion, valor, and all that.)

I spoke to the ranger, and she recommended against it - not like "don't do that" but "you probably don't want to". But she also said we should camp at Fish Pond instead of St. Regis, since it's snowmobile accessible and easier for rescues... a rather odd way to pick a campsite. In my experience some rangers treat everyone like an idiot, which is understandable given their line of work, but it makes me take what she said with a grain of salt.

All that said, is this feasible? Foolish?

lundi 14 janvier 2019

Ưu Điểm Tuyệt Vời Giường Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu

Công Ty Tigerwood(0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu giá cả hợp lý ưu đãi chất lượng
Những thống kê gần đây chỉ ra rằng các sản phẩm làm từ gỗ giúp bạn cảm thấy thoải mái và thư giãn rất tốt. Vì thế, hiện nay người ta thường có xu hướng sử dụng giường ngủ bằng gỗ, đặc biệt là loại gỗ thông – một trong những loại gỗ với chất lương và thẩm mỹ hoàn hảo. Tuy nhiên, đó không phải là nguyên nhân duy nhất khiến gỗ thông là một trong những nguyên liệu được lựa chọn nhiều nhất cho công tác thiết kế giường ngủ. Hãy cùng chúng tôi - Công Ty TNHH Tigerwood làm sáng tỏ vấn đề: Tại sao nhiều người sử dụng giường ngủ làm từ gỗ thông?

Giường làm từ gỗ thông mang lại cảm giác thoải mái và giúp thư giãn đầu óc sau thời gian làm việc mệt mỏi.
Gỗ thông nổi tiếng là một trong những loại gỗ có tính thẩm mỹ cao, vì thế giường làm từ gỗ thông sẽ rất đẹp và bắt mắt

Không chỉ đẹp mà gỗ thông có có độ bền cao, khó bị hư hại trong toàn thời gian sử dụng. Vì thế, chiếc giường bằng gỗ thông có thể sử dụng hàng chục năm mà không xuất hiện bất kỳ dấu hiệu hư hỏng nào
Thân thiện với môi trường và an toàn cho sức khỏe là 2 đặc điểm không thể không nhắc đến của những chiếc giường bằng gỗ thông. Đơn giản bởi chúng được làm từ nguyên liệu tự nhiên nên mang lại cảm giác mát mẻ và không gây tác động xấu đến môi trường xung quanh.
Không chỉ đẹp, an toàn cho người sử dụng mà còn rất bền và thân thiện với môi trường. Có thể nói, thật khó tìm ra một sản phẩm giường ngủ nào hoàn mỹ hơn giường ngủ làm bằng gỗ thông.
Vì thế, hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi - Công Ty TNHH Tigerwood để sở hữu ngay dòng Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu Này

Công Ty TNHH Tigerwood
Đ/c: 661 Khu Oasis II, Đường D33, KDC Việt Sing, Thuận An, Bình Dương
Sđt: 0907665335
Xem thêm tại :

Fairground Falls-Loyalsock State Forest


An impressive and previously undocumented 35-40 foot falls in the Loyalsock State Forest, next to Worlds End. With enough water, a silver thread of cascading water, over 100 feet tall, joins below the falls, creating a unique view. This gorge has several other cascades and boulders. Beautiful spot.

Colley Falls


An easy hike to a 20-25 foot falls in SGL 66, with several other smaller cascades and falls in a rugged glen with large birch trees.

Selling used PCT thruhike gear

I am selling the following items. All traveled with me for part of the PCT last year.

Camp Corsa Ice Axe 60cm, 7.2 oz, only used to dig a few catholes, pristine condition, $90

128 GB Sandisk SD card, for you Android folks, never used, $25

Anker Powercore Slim 5000, rubberized, blue, 4.2 oz, used for 700 miles - almost a full charge on my S7 Active (4000 mAh), $20

Anker Powercore+ 10050, Aluminum charger, black, 8oz, used for 2100 miles - get an Al case to avoid cracking or breaking your plastic brick, which can result in fires. Seriously, I saw someone's pack light on fire. $30

Winter Gathering 2019?

Anyone have any news on this years Adirondack Winter Gathering in Lake Placid?

Black ray bans found!

Message me the model and trail they were lost on and I will mail them to you. Found on Saturday morning (Jan 12th)

Police Search For Runaway Teen

Saw this on Facebook & wanted to pass it along...
They say he left a note for his family saying he went camping in the Adirondacks, and he has no camping experience. Driving a silver Volvo S60, PA license plate FDP 9603

Pulk sled harness suggestions

Any recommendations on a good one? I was contemplating just wearing my nearly-empty summer pack (maybe rain gear, snacks and water), connecting it to that, and hauling my winter pack in the sled, but then I saw pics of people using harnesses only. Most of the ones I've seen look like they are for working out so I'm not sure if they'll work over top of winter clothing. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Cobble and Cobble Jan 12 2019

Although a cold weekend, forecast said blue skies in Northern NY, and both were accurate! Holding off skiing Whiteface until Sunday, ideally above zero temps, really wanted to use snowshoes instead of micros for a change this season.

So - after breakfast in Jay (land of make believe site, great food and coffee!) and seeing just a few inches on snow on the ground, headed up from Wilmington four corners past Santa's Workshop/North Pole, the ASRC, took a right at the WF highway tollgate, and in a quarter mile on the right is the DEC sign to Cobble Lookout. Wide road, no parking issues on side of road, and a plow went by while parking without any dirty looks always a good thing.

One other car and tracks but they ended about 5 minutes in, at the ice cliffs. Broke trail the entire way. Not difficult as only 3 inches max of new snow, but wow the trees are covered and frozen and beautiful. Definately needed SS so right choice. Blue markers were covered with ice on the way in (heading East, from the West wind) so had to keep looking back to confirm on the trail. Second half of trail tougher to follow. Not hard, but not easy, and had to think a lot, and a bit of splitting up, one staying by last marker, the other finding the next one, which was most times out of sight. Took about 1 hour 10 minutes to reach the lookout. Awesome awesome views with 6 degrees and clear skies. 40 minutes back.

Wanting to play with some vertical on the SS, parked at Northwoods for Cobble Hill. Couple inches in snow by parking (total not new) but more in woods so good choice w/ SS again. Up via the short trail, down the longer loop by Lost Pond. The steep slabs were tough, had to use the rope, then above the rope about a foot of fresh slippery loose snow made it challenging. Definately not going down that! Amazing how hot 8 degrees feels when climbing that slab!

Overall day about 5 miles. Zero people at the Lookout trail in Wilmington (except the 2 climbers) all day. None. So quiet and alone. 4 people at Cobble Hill, 2 on SS, 2 on Nordic skis at the top. Great way to get the bugs out on SS and remember to wear less layers and keep them in the packs!

dimanche 13 janvier 2019

Phelps and Tabletop Winter

What do these look like in the winter? Would a solo trip be inadvisable? I've done them both in Summer.

vendredi 11 janvier 2019

Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu

Công Ty Tigerwood(0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu uy tín chất lượng giá ưu đãi
Chia Sẻ cách để chọn nhà cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu Uy tín
Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu ( White oak) là loại gỗ được nhập khẩu, phần nhiều là nhập khẩu từ Châu Âu gỗ đã được xẻ sấy trước khi xuất và có nhiều quy cách: 3/4: 19mm, 4/4″-26mm, 5/4″-32mm, 6/4-38mm, 45mm, 8/4-51mm, 65mm… phẩm cấp AB, ABC, BC….

Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu hiện đang được rất nhiều người đông đảo người tiêu dùng ưa chuộng bởi chất lượng gỗ tốt, độ bền cao, vân gỗ đẹp. Có thể nói Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu ngày càng được thịnh hành và chiếm lĩnh.
Nhưng Có thể bạn đang gặp khó khăn như
Chưa tìm thấy nhà cung cấp uy tín
Giá gỗ sồi cao quá không thể mua đáp ứng nhu cầu
Bạn nên tìm hiểu thông tin kỹ càng về chất lượng giá cả và uy tín của công ty trên thị trường Gỗ
Hãy để chúng tôi giúp bạn
Tigerwood chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu giá rẻ nhất thị trường đáp ứng nhu cầu mua gỗ của các nhà sản xuất.

Để biết Thêm thông tin Gỗ Sồi Châu Âu xin liên hệ 0907665335

Work on Nehasane rail corridor?

Excerpt from the most recent (1/10/19) DEC ADK conditions report:

Lake Lila Road: Lake Lila Road is closed for the season. The road will be plowed so trucks and other heavy equipment can access and work on the rail corridor near the Nehasane Station. The road will not be skiable until the work is complete.

Does anyone know the nature of this work?

Adirondack Backcountry Skiers


I respect this site and love it! I hope not to do any harm by pointing out a new Facebook group for Adirondack BC skiing. I think those here who would like to stay in touch with what's happening in the ADKS will like the new group.
I leave it in your hands to check out "Adirondack Backcountry Skiers" group. Cheers!

Đặc Điểm Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu

Công Ty TigerWood (0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu uy tín chất lượng

Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu có tốt không, có thể đây là vấn đề nhiều người đang thắc mắc
Dưới đây là một số chia sẻ về Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu :
– Sở hữu vân gỗ đẹp, màu sắc giữ được độ bền cao, hài hòa với nhiều điều kiện ánh sáng.
– Gỗ rất dễ gia công và chế tác. Khả năng bám đinh, ốc, vít hay keo đều rất tốt.
– Bề mặt gỗ có khả năng bắt màu sơn, giữ màu sơn lâu, tạo ra vẻ ngoài như mới cho thành phẩm.
– Nhựa gỗ thông tiết ra chính là chất bảo quản tự nhiên khiến cho thành phẩm bền, và lâu bị hư mục.
– Khả năng kháng sâu, bọ, côn trùng tốt, kể cả trong điều kiện dễ hư mục thì gỗ vẫn có độ bền cao.
Đặc điểm ứng dụng :
Các vật dụng sản xuất từ gỗ thông có trọng lựa nhẹ và ít bị mối mọt bởI trong gỗ thông có nhựa thông đậy được xem như chất bảo quản tự nhiên của loại gỗ này.
Để Biết thêm thông tin Gỗ Thông Nhập Khẩu xin liên hệ 0907.665.335" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" allowfullscreen="true">

jeudi 10 janvier 2019

Blue Mountain hiking?

I'm thinking of doing the Blue Mountain hike this weekend.

Considering the wildly varying weather here downstate; any recent reports of what the trail is like at the moment? I'll be using microspikes, but is there enough snow to justify bringing snowshoes as well?

- Rich

mercredi 9 janvier 2019

POLL: Your longest day?

POLL: What is the longest day you've ever had hiking?

I've never broken 16 hours.
16 was the longest marathon hike I've ever endured when I climbed Marcy, Gray, Skylight, Haystack, Basin and Saddleback.

The Catskill Bushwhack range took me 15 1/2 hours: Wittenburg, Cornell, Friday, Balsam Cap, Rocky, Lone, Table, Peekamoose.

After a climb completely goes around the clock (more than 12 hours), it just gets increasingly insane from there!

Winter Ski Trip

Hi everyone, planning on doing a BC ski trip the second weekend of February. The game plan is to hike in from the Garden and camp near JBL. Planning on pulling a pulk with most of our gear and wanted to get everyone's take on whether or not that was a good idea (vs. carrying everything on my back) and/ or which trails would be better suited for pulling a sled (Phelps Trail vs. Southside Trail).

Also looking for any recommendations on good ski lines. Planning to hit Bennie's Root Canal and any additional info on that or other nearby areas would be greatly appreciated!

Chouinard slides

This year's Mountainfest is, as always, on Martin Luther King weekend (1/19/2019). It is put on by the Mountaineer and Adirondack Rock and River and is a festival celebrating winter activities such as ice climbing, snowshoeing etc. - Clinics are taught, slide shows given and while the weather can at times be challenging, it almost always delivers as a highlight of the winter season. This year there will be a very short (15 minutes) presentation given before the feature slide show on Saturday night at the Keene Central School. This warm up presentation will commemorate a very historic event that occurred at Chapel Pond 50 years ago (almost to the day) which, being a lover of all Adirondack history, I would like to make mention of here. In 1969, Yvon Chouinard (famous climber and founder of the company, Patagonia) organized a clinic to be held somewhere in the Northeast that was to introduce his new, revolutionary climbing tools/crampons to the climbing world. Chouinard and his 2 friends - Doug Tompkins (founder of the clothing company, North Face) and Jim McCarthy (famous Gunks climber) asked the American Alpine Club to send 2 members from each AAC state chapter in the Northeast to this clinic which they decided (due to its' great ice and central location), would be held in the Adirondacks. These representatives would then go back to their home states and spread the word about these new techniques and climbing tools to their fellow climbers. The clinic was held at Chapel Pond and Chouinard's new, much shorter ice tools with curved picks (instead of straight picks that didn't work in steep ice) and his new rigid, 12 point crampons, were introduced...This clinic is well known by all serious ice climbers and climbing historians agree that this event gave birth to the modern version of the sport of ice climbing. To honor this event, Jeff Lea, a long-time New Hampshire guide and attendee of the clinic representing new Jersey at the time, will give a short presentation remembering this historic event and showing a few slides/tools etc. Also!!! The highly elusive Yvon Chouinard himself will send a short video clip of himself reminiscing about that era/event. This is a huge deal since we've been trying to get him to come East for over 20 years! His video clip may be nothing much but at least he responded and will make an attempt...So just a heads up - Saturday night, 1/19 at KCS - see the Mountaineer's website for more info...

mardi 8 janvier 2019

stripperguy is homeless

Well, not in that sense! But MDB and I have been squatting at my daughter and SIL's house for a while, and will continue to do so until we build a new house.

So it's difficult for me to work on projects with no dedicated space and limited tooling. Even so, my son and my nephew both need paddles for their strippers, and my paddles are approaching 20 years old and showing their age (like I'm not?)

We decided to do a batch of bent shaft paddles. Nothing fancy, pine shafts, cedar blades, phenolic tips, 4 oz glass on the blades. Blades will be 8 x 20, angle about 12 degrees.

I'll try to document as I go along...

lundi 7 janvier 2019

Gỗ Dẻ Gai

Công Ty TigerWood (0907.665.335) chuyên cung cấp Gỗ Dẻ Gai uy tín chất lượng
Bài viết dưới đây là một số thông tin chia sẽ về Gỗ Dẻ Gai
Gỗ Dẻ Gai ( hay còn gọi là Gỗ Beech) được trồng nhiều ở Châu Âu và Bắc Mĩ.

Có thể nói rằng đặc điểm của Cây Gỗ Dẻ Gai có sự khác biệt lớn so vớI các lọai gỗ xẻ sấy hiện nay. Đây là dòng sản phẩm cứng, và chắc vượt trội với dát, gỗ màu trắng nhạt, tâm gỗ màu nâu, vân gỗ thô đều, dòng gỗ này mang đến cho các thành phẩm sự thư thái và mang đến cho ngôi nhà cảm giác âm áp sang trọng cho không gian bài trí

Đặc điểm*/ đặc tính gỗ:
– Tỷ trọng gỗ: gỗ được sấy khô 10-12% có trọng lượng khoảng*720-750*kg/m3
–*Vân gỗ thẳng, khít đều. Vỏ cây gỗ Beech nhẵn và màu xanh
–*Gỗ không có mùi và vị.
–*Chịu lực tốt và dễ uốn bằng hơi nước, rất dễ thi công và tạo hình, tạo kiểu.
–*Chất gỗ lành tính, an toàn cho sản xuất và sử dụng
Để biết thêm thông tin Gỗ Dẻ Gai xin liên hệ 0907.665.335 hoặc xem tại

LOST: crampons and ministove

December 23 I hiked from JBL to Marcy summit, taking the Hopkins trail at the junction. On the way back to JBL from the summit I backtracked on the same trail. I took a break a little past the junction while somewhere on the Phelps trail. Anxious because of the looming darkness and a headlamp with dim light bc of the cold, I forgot to fully zip the lower compartment of my bag. I noticed when I was closer to the JBL that a pair of Black Diamond crampons and a mini stove fell out of my bag. Also a brown fleece sweatshirt and black seirus gloves (basically a yard sale).

dimanche 6 janvier 2019

Campsites on Pillsbury Lake?

Other then the lean to is there camping sites on or near Pillsbury Lake?

samedi 5 janvier 2019

Sewards Road driveable?

My kids want to hike Seymour tomorrow (Sunday). Is the gate open and the road driveable with a jeep? Any quick help would be great!!!

Portable Screened Black Fly Shelter

I look forward to the beginning of paddling season. I plan to camp out of my kayak about a dozen times this season, starting in mid-May. But during the first month or so of paddling season, the blackflies can at times be pretty nasty. Selecting a campsite on a breezy point helps. So does smudge from a campfire. But often, the buggers are still brutal.

In the late afternoon, at the campsite, I tend to sit back, maybe drink a beer or two and read a book while enjoying the view. I was thinking there might be some sort of lightweight collapsible shelter I could pick-up to set up around me while I sit back in my folding chair. The shelter needs to be light and small enough to be carried in or on my kayak.

Here is something I saw on Amazon:
[URL=" "]

Anybody have ideas or suggestions?

Hornbeck Sable kayak

I restore kayaks, it's become more of a hobby/passion than side job. In the years doing so I have owned well over a hundred boats. I now only pick up exotic or rare models. Recently I obtained a kayak in the Adirondack area. With the exception of a single post on this forum it is a ghost. The boat is a Hornbeck Sable 18'6" carbon fiber/Kevlar. Hornbeck took a shot at the kayak market in about 2005 from what I've found. I was wondering if anyone ever even came across one of these before.

As for the one I got, It's getting a lot of work incl. an outer hull to deck seam to replace the tape, a new custom carbon/fiberglass seat, rear cockpit bulkhead, new hatches, rudder and foot controls.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Hornbeck Sable (1)1.jpg (50.9 KB)

Báo Giá Gỗ Tần Bì

Công ty TigerWood (0907.665.335) nhà cung cấp Go Thong Nhap Khau uy tín chất lượng.
Dưới đây là bảng giá tham khảo :
Tên Giá ( Đô La/m3)
Gỗ Thông Newzealand 245-255
Gỗ Thông Úc 250
Gỗ Thông Chi Lê 240-260
Gỗ Thông Thụy Điển 290
Gỗ Thông Brazil 250
Hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để nhận được những thông tin chính xác nhất về giá cả Go Thong Nhap Khau hoặc tham khảo thêm Tại :
Công Ty TNHH Tigerwood
Đ/c: 661 Khu Oasis II, Đường D33, KDC Việt Sing, Thuận An, Bình Dương
Số điện thoại: 0907.665.335 (MS.VY)