mercredi 2 janvier 2019

Advice for a Winter Dix Trip

Looking for some winter camping advice.

I’m planning a trip this month or next to Dix Wilderness.

We're planning to park at the winter lot by Clear Pond and ski up to Lillian Brook Shelter, and set up camp there. The next day we plan on summiting Dix, then returning to camp. The day after that we’ll ski back to the car.

First off, I’m wondering what’s the best way to do Dix. From where they diverge, the Hunter Pass Trail is 2.8 mi to the summit and the Beckhorn Trail is 1.8. In the summer I’d probably go up Hunter Pass and down Beckhorn, since it looks like that trail has some pretty awesome views you’d get less out of if you were going uphill. But I’m not sure how winter changes things - is Beckhorn too steep for a winter descent? Or ascent for that matter? It looks pretty gnarly from what I’ve seen. I did the whole Dix Range a few summers ago, but we came from 73, so most of this will be new ground for me.

The second question is in regards to equipment. I’ve done some winter camping in the Dacks and Catskills and I’m well geared up for that. I’ve never climbed anything close to Dix this time of year though. The closest I’ve done is Pharaoh Mt. (2556’) in February and Hunter Mountain a week ago (~4000’). Does a climb like Dix require crampons or technical snowshoes? Ice axes? My brother and I have microspikes and I’m hoping we don't need to invest in too much new gear for this trip.


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