jeudi 5 décembre 2019

Cod Pond, WLWF, 5 Dec, 2019

During the big snowstorm earlier this week, we got over 2' of snow here in the Workers Paradise. It seemed odd to head north to find easier snowshoeing conditions.:confused: Be that as it may, Tredhed and I took our annual snowshoe shakedown hike to Cod Pond in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest. Due to a hectic, pre-holiday schedule, we took the opportunity to hit the woods today and we're glad we did. After some minor maintenance at the Hamilton County Mosquito Preserve, we hit the trailhead around 10:30 this morning.

We were shocked to see six other cars in the parking lot!:eek: For crying out loud, this is Cod Pond, not The Garden! As we were getting ready, Danielle from DEC came out of the woods and told us there were 8 folks from the Adirondack Mountain Club hiking into Cod Pond. I asked Danielle what she was doing there and she mentioned that she was checking a live trap trap line to radio collar a female fisher in order to do a breeding study. The ESF Wildlife Biology dude deep inside of me smiled :) as we nerded out on fisher stories for a few minutes.

Bidding Danielle farewell, Tredhed and I headed up the red disked trail. The woods were a little skinny for skiing, but soon enough, I suspect.

As Tredhed signed into the woods, we noticed the 8 ADK folks were signed in and headed to the same destination as us.

Prepared for a potential traffic jam, we headed up the yellow disked trail to Cod Pond.

The trail was in pretty good shape and the scant 6" of snow were well packed down from the crew just ahead of us.

A few minutes before reaching the pond, we caught sight of the Adirondack Mountain Club folks approaching. We found a wide spot in the trail to pull over and let them pass. We exchanged pleasantries and they seemed like a great group of folks enjoying a Thursday morning in the woods.

A few minutes later, we approached the pond during a nice little snow squall. The snow obscured the view of Harrington Mt., but added some atmosphere to the already scenic destination.

Looking down the pond, we saw the area we walked to last March.
Not wanting to test the ice this morning, we stayed near the designated campsite at the end of the trail.

After a few hero pictures and some hot cocoa, we hoofed it back down the trail to the Rt. 8 parking area.

The sun started to shine a little as we made it back to the now empty parking lot. The view of Shanty Cliffs was superb, as it always is. A little too cold to wade the creek and explore the ledges today, but soon enough...

We only spent about an hour and a half in the woods today, but it was a good equipment shakedown to prepare us for the rest of the season. I don't know about Tredhed, but I can't wait to get out and explore some more this winter.

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