jeudi 26 décembre 2019

West Canada Creek In Shambles

I usually make it out to the year round catch-and-release trophy section of the West Canada a few times each winter, and gave it a try today--my first time since the Halloween storm that devastated so many homes a bit downstream. Suffice it say that that stretch is an absolute wreck! Case in point--there's a particularly hard to access spot I've always enjoyed drudging to with probably a 100 ft. long "island" with numerous trees--well that whole island is gone!! The starting point at Trenton Falls has been completely transformed as well. I'm no fish biologist, but with such an upheaval of every square inch of the creek bed, its hard to imagine much spawning success from last fall, let alone the survival of very many fish from such a torrent. I'm not sure if the DEC has any plans to help that stretch recover, but I hope they come up with something.


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