dimanche 18 juillet 2021

ADK by-laws member voting rights?

The Main ADK by-laws states ALL members vote for BOD and officers. BUT.... The ADK hasn't had any elections since 2012!... that was the last time members voted.

ALL BOD and officers have been self appointed according to a conversation I had with Mr Barret a couple years ago when he was hired n promised me something will be done to correct it.... My Barret told me the president was voted in by the appointed ADK BOD members... admittedly by him as violating members voting rights.

THis is an egregious violation of the by-laws. But recently they updated the by-laws (voted in by the members) to eliminated the members voting rights saying the ADK will now hire experts instead of holding member elections. Why anyone would vote yes is mind boggling! Members have no say in who runs the club now.

Since there hasnt been any member elections since 2012, all the officials n BOD have been sitting in violation of the by-laws right to this day... and have no right to speak for the members including revising by laws... shouldn't that make anything they instituted since 2012 illegal?

Seems no one cares in this organization, until ADK says they are throwing you out for by-law infractions.

Am I missing something here?

Ive asked this question many times but never get a straight answer.

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