lundi 19 juillet 2021

Canada to re-open land border to vaccinated Americans 8/9

Good news for Americans wanting to cross into Ontario, Quebec, and other parts of Canada. Key section from the linked article:


To be eligible to enter Canada, American citizens and permanent residents must have received the full series of an approved vaccine – or combination of vaccines – at least 14 days prior to entering Canada, the Canadian government said in documents detailing the border reopening.

The approved vaccines are those manufactured by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca.

Americans traveling to Canada will also have to:

• Provide Covid-19-related information electronically through Canada's ArriveCAN app or web portal, including proof of vaccination prior to arrival in Canada.

Take a Covid-19 test before arrival.

• Show no symptoms of Covid-19.

• Have a paper or digital copy of their vaccination card.
Some politicians including Chuck Schumer are now calling for the U.S. to reciprocate:


Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, who has pressed the Canadian ambassador to the U.S. and two U.S. cabinet secretaries on the border issue, also said the Canadian move should prompt the U.S. to act.

“Canada’s policy change is long overdue and has the potential to be terrific news for thousands who have loved ones, property or commercial interests across the border," said Schumer, a New York Democrat. "The United States must now immediately follow suit, make our policy uniform and further energize New York’s recovery."

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