lundi 5 juillet 2021

Road Conditions - Pillsbury Mountain // Spruce Lake

Hopefully this spares someone from suffering the same fate I did:

Someone took the chains and road closure signs off of the 1.5 mile stretch of road that goes from Jessup River Road up to the Pillsbury Mountain Trailhead Parking Area. Having seen them up in past years, I assumed that the road had been repaired enough to get to the parking area. Big mistake.

It is not passable unless you’re in a high-clearance 4WD And honesty I can’t even guarantee that because My CRV got stuck in the mud before I got that far. Thankfully a wonderful couple in a heavy duty pickup was able to get their truck up the road far enough to get me un-stuck. The only thing that saved my extremely bruised ego was learning that I wasn’t alone and that other people have been getting stuck semi-regularly since the signs were taken down.

Bonus road condition report for the rest of Jessup River Road to the Spruce Lake Trailhead - it seemed rougher to me than it has been in past years. I was fine in my CRV but I’d be a little concerned taking a sedan all the way there. You’ll be able to drive it, but I’d be a little worried about damage on a car with lower clearance or a delicate suspension.

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