vendredi 9 juillet 2021

Elderberries in the Adirondacks?

I have been noticing where there are elderberries blooming in the last couple of weeks here, mostly in wet areas and on stream banks. They appear, grow for a few to ten years and then die out, so every year I look for new plants. I like to freeze a few quarts each summer to make into pie later on. I'm wondering if elderberries grow wild in the Adirondacks at all, and more specifically in the northern areas. I'll be moving up that way next year if all goes according to plan and will be looking around hoping to find them. I never noticed any during my August trips, but I am guessing that they might still be green up there then, since they get ripe here in late August and early September. I'm not expecting anyone to divulge their secret locations, but a general idea of whether elderberries are to be found at all would be great.

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