mercredi 7 juillet 2021

Peekamoose Blue Hole permit fee

I saw in the news that DEC was going to impose a $10 fee for permits to Peekamoose Blue Hole in the Catskills. I was disappointed to read that.

I am a big fan of the permitting system implemented at the AMR. And I hoped that it could be expanded to other trailheads. But my support of that system was based on it being free.

I am a fan of the system because it introduces much needed equity to trailhead access. It meant you no longer had to arrive at the trailhead at some ridiculous pre-dawn hour for a hike that didn't require such an early departure. But imposing a fee blows away that equity piece.

I know DEC was bothered by people making reservations and not showing. But just make it so that if you don't show within half an hour (or whatever) of your reservation time, you lose your spot and a "walk in" can take it.

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