mardi 18 décembre 2018

Crossing the NY/Canadian Border

With the recent good news that the Ticonderoga murder suspect found near the Canadian border, it got me to thinking...

There have been several reports over the years of people getting busted at or near I87 check points, traffic stops, etc, coming from Canada & trying to enter the US. Be it illegal people trafficking, firearms, or drugs, etc (especially now with the legalization of marijuana in Canada). I’m sure it’s probably the same (or similar) for people in the US crossing into Canada, as no doubt the murder suspect was probably trying to cross the border into Canada, and not unlike inmates Matt & Sweat from the Dannemora Prison Escape were more than likely trying to do a couple years ago.

I know that many of our friendly neighbors to the north in Quebec & Ontario are frequent contributors on this forum, and cross the border often (sometimes on a weekly or daily basis) to hike, ski, paddle, camp, hunt, fish, sight-see, or even work in or near the Adirondack Park.

So my questions are...

What is it like for a Canadian citizen to cross the US border, especially if it’s on a daily/weekly basis?

Do you become friendly with & recognized by the employees of the border patrol at all?

How often do you get searched and/or hassled?

What are the reports like of people coming from the US into Canada and getting busted for illegal activities?

Just curious, and just a topic meant for friendly discussion.

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