samedi 22 décembre 2018

Journal of Shingle Shanty trip June 2013

The following is a copy of the journal I kept of a trip from Lake Lila to Inlet including the then disputed Shingle Shanty Brook section, then legally paddlable. This is straight from my journal, not initially intended for anything other than my own personal reference.
I've refrained from posting this until now because of the ongoing court case of Phil Browns trip on the same section. The State of NY sent lawyers to CT to interview me for the case , and had a copy of this journal and some photos of the trip for their use.
If you are interested I'll add some photos of the trip if I can dig them up,

Paddling Journal of a trip Little Tupper to Inlet at Wanakena NY June 7 -11 2013

July 7,
Lake Lila put-in to Rock Pond
Left camp at 6:15 for shuttle from Wanakena to Little Tupper. Left put-in on Little Tupper at 8:30,forgot watch, going by nature’s time from now on, got GPS though with time if necessary. Lake calm, easy paddle to Rock Pond and Island campsite, nice 360 deg. View. Light breeze, few bugs. Lots of smallmouth bass on streamers most 1 - 1 1⁄2 lb, all over lake, best fishing near portage. Water seems high, hammock on very top of Island, Alcohol stove working well. Checked out Portage tomorrow, very difficult start, mud thigh deep, ranger said they are going to re-route trail here, said yesterday couple was lost just beyond for several hours, rangers marking trail next week, so orienteering will be important here. This compass won’t set 14 deg west declination got to be on that, w/ use GPS and map, trail is marked wrong though through here Pasta primavera tonight, one Cliff bar at lunch and Stewarts breakfast sandwitch at breakfast. 2 liters of water + dinner beverages. Sunset soon, cooking, then campfire all ready to go. I’m the only one here on Rock Pond , only saw a few people on L.T. all near start. Long day, should sleep well tonight.

July 8
Rock Pond to Lake Lila
Deer Island Rock Pond portage to Hardigan Pond 1.75 mi Wading through bog/ mud over boots, lots of turns, unmarked, very seldom used.Carry over to long beaver dams, very old log road here and there, got to pay attention to orienteering especially with the canoe overhead. Hardigan to Salmon Lake Outlet, didn’t take portage thought I could do Hardigan outlet through marsh. 1⁄2 mile 1’st 400 yards slogging through bogs over boot tops. Paddled 75 yards just wide enough for boat. First half of the way dragged / waded most of the way, finally got wet enough to float the boat. Several beaver dams, finally got out, small winding stream to Salmon Pond, w/ take portage around next time, interesting though. Salmon Pond windy to Lilly Pad 1⁄2 mile portage, not bad til put in, then wade bog knee deep at put in. Nice sign as enter private property. Shingle Shanty very nice, 200 yard portage around rocky section, seldom used trail then extremely windy 1 1⁄2 mi. , actually total 3 mi. To Lake Lila. Saw droppings on trail, probably coyote maybe wolf. Camped on Island, saw deer close on way to toilet on this Island.This older F.D. fool leaves a lot to be desired. Not getting hungry but eating little, like most trips. # liters water, sweating a lot , didn’t drink enough The coffee in tea bog configuration w/ sugar and hazelnut creamer very good, bring this again.

July 9
Lila to Clear Pond
Up late this AM, didn’t start on water ‘til 11:30 got here at 7pm, 14 miles but lots of portages, double carried quite a bit, esp. Trickie footing areas.50 lb. pack, small pack another 15lb. Fishing gear day stuff etc., boat-paddle-pfd 35lbs, close to 100 lb total, to much except on easy ground, no prob. 20 years ago. Off late Across Lila then .8 mi portage mud but not over boots this time,paddle 2 1⁄2 mi. Up nice stream then 1 mile carry .5 mi up abandoned railroad tracks last 1⁄2 mile on little used trail to Clear Pond Camped here nice site, gathered wood, set up camp, fished a few S.M. bass then thunder storms. 1 1⁄2 hrs. Today 7 miles, 4 hours, had to double carry quite a bit, can’t do 100 lbs. Any more.. More coyote droppings / tracks, also lots of deer tracks on portages.Went for skinny dip before storm, feel nice and clean after good swim, slipped on steep bank getting out, ripped big toenail pretty bad, could be problem on rest of carries. Have seen 3 snakes, 1 black racer?, 2 like blackish garter snakes.Loons on this lake calling a lot, worth the trip right there, Deer in water in bog on south end of lake running back and forth. Ate a bit more today, still not a lot. Drank more water today, better. Sterri Pen stopped working, Got some water out in middle of lake and rain running off tarp of hammock, boiling with alcohol stove takes a long time, and water takes forever to cool in bottle. Quite warm this evening, ‘til about 11:30 then just right. Hammock is comfortable, batteries low in headlamp, no spares, hope they hold out so I can finish this book.

July 10 Wed.
Clear Pond to Big Deer Pond.
Windy with heavy rain all AM, Cleared by portage Lowes to Big Deer Pond. To windy to fish here. Clear Pond to Mud Pond 450 yds. Easiest carry yet, toe bad so doing double carries . Portage to Lowes Lake very nice. Portage to Big Deer Pond .8 mile did double carry. Register at this Portage put in , Since Oct 2012 , 8 mos. 18 entries 3 ranger patrols, Frennette and Ciley local guides, I’m the 13’th private party to pass through since last Oct. 3 of those only to Big Deer, only 10 traverse groups to the O. River. Mosquitos and deer flies very heavy but not biting, treated cloths with pemetherin before trip. Nice camp on Big Deer, little used site, evening wind keeping bugs down, Lots of bever here with young, one adult turned and swam at my boat down the side 2 feet away just under water. Pair of loons here Lots back on Lowes and Lila. Saw spruce grouse, just off trail, several piles of moose droppings, bear skat near where I hung food, didn’t see ‘til this morning. Moose waded by camp last night. This last portage was dry and easy, more use than some of the others. Slept late again , but I’m staying up late reading too. Still not getting hungry.

July 11 Th.
Hard thunder storm last night, Lots of wind, hammock worked fine, moose splashing in edge of pond last night. Had a nice fire before storm, listening to loons. Boiled 1 Liter H2O for start , didn’t start ‘til 11am again. Total today was 22.5 miles 2.2 mile portage, 4.04 with the double carries, . .6 miles from Big Deer to beaver pond, paddle across to the old mail box portage on the other side mostly singe carried along base of escar, good trail, doubled over steep hill single to Oswegatchie (sp) River. Nice cold natural spring at puttin, drank about a liter and filled bottle for rest of river. Upper O. very picturesque ~ 7 miles very windy, meandering little stream, must be 30+ beaver dams, most runnable, many downed giant white pines, from the 1995 derechio. Had to carry over/ around many. Thick alders on banks. There are many Giant White Pines still standing, some were snapped off 30 feet up many downed, some across river, some 5 feet in diameter. Dead deer in river, dont drink the water downstream. Fished with the 7’ 3 wt cane rod in river lots of very small native brookies. High Falls is very nice, odd though to see it here in relatively flat country. Met couple there doing Inlet-Cranbury-Lowes- Oswegatchie-Inlet loop from Addison VT he just finished the NFCT in one month. River pretty high and fast from the last couple days of rain,so could paddle over most beaver dams, but made going under the big downed pines a problem. From High Falls to Inlet maybe 6 more carries around obstacles, only 10 or so parties down upper river so no obvious way around problems, had to figure out on the fly often just dragging boat and gear through alders and brush.Left High Falls at 6:28 , couple of pictures of falls from boat, then race down river to beat the dark. Or camp out another night , no water filter, no headlamp, good training for races coming up. Got to take out at 8:42 twighlight, 2:14 for 11.3 miles on a very windy river with full gear and 6 or so carries, 5mph average. Got to camp by 11pm. Went up to Packbasket B+B to pick up the 14X WW boat for the hudson trip next up. Very nice couple running the Packbasket, did the shuttle for me in my car for $100. Still not eating much, lots of beaver on river, very picturesque . Next time just do paddle trip no fishing gear, one camera less food, no extras easily save 15 lbs. I did eat a couple fish though. Less weight more single carries, save time. Or, take a few more days and fish More. Good day of serious paddling today, other days had more time carrying than paddling. Bean boots good leg protection, superfeet make them good on feet but not much grip (they are my old ones) New Balance MT10 are perfect in camp and light, Alcohol stove worked well.

12 & 13 July Fri & Sat
WCHA gathering at Paul Smiths lots of really nice boats, enjoyable experience. Sat. lead a trip to Little Long Pond, part of 7 carries route. Stayed at camp a couple nights.

14 July Sun
Met up with Mad Mike and paddled the Newly opened section of the Hudson from Newcomb to Indian River aprox. 12 miles with lots of moving flatwater at least a dozen rapids easy to solid class II a couple of sections of 2+. Very pretty river, paddled this last back in the late 70’s with Peter Day and a couple of the Frenettes but we started in Newcomb and paddled through the Hudson Gorge all the way down to North Creek probably 35 miles. Saw mink, a fischer, several hawks, rising trout mostly above rapids, got to get back here to fish this section of river. New portages around some of the rapids have just recently been cut and marked with surveyors tape, not used yet, we ran the river. 8/10 mile portage to parking area and shuttle, this may be shorter after they get this area worked out.

15 July, Mon.
Carried into Rock Pond .37 miles off of Stony Creek Road, very pretty pond, looked on the map like it might have trout, but only caught stunted perch. Worth a try, sometimes these ponds are good trout ponds sometimes not.
Back to camp, got to clean up after last guests and get it ready for the next guests, mow grass etc. Great trip saw some Beautiful wild country, lots of good paddling , back to work tomorrow..............

‘Til next time

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